[h2][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/v3izJII.png[/img][/center][/h2] [u][b]3.43 A.M – North Maine Woods[/b][/u] Far from prying eyes, farther still from sharp ears. That was a motto of sorts for transport of personnel to a mid-tier planet. It did no one any good if a strange object falling from space was spotted slamming into the earth with the brief glow of thrusters lighting up the night sky. The landing was always a little harsh, not as bad as you’d have expected though considering the speeds involved. The Drop Pod that contained the Earth’s new and most violent alien visitor was equipped with high intensity short jets to rapidly slow its descent and prevent its occupant being rendered into red (or in his case, blue-ish red) paste. The occupant, Hunter, adorned for the mission at hand. Fastened securely to the back of the pod he remained at ease throughout, even when his balance organ alerted him to the extreme change in speed upon entering the atmosphere, screaming at him that something very serious was wrong. Even when that speed was suddenly arrested, only for the metallic structure to shake and bellow and everything to very briefly grow dark as he touched down. His armour protected him from an impact that would have killed even him ordinarily. It took him barely a second to gain his bearings as his HUD lit up and the front of the pod opened with the sound of escaping air-pressure, but only starlight greeted him. The Hunter switched casually over to a night vision function, the interior of the pod having no interior lights for obvious reasons. When he was out and up onto solid ground he realised the pod had buried itself almost three feet into the soft earth of the forest, having narrowly avoided setting fire to a nearby tree. That wouldn’t matter though, in a moment it would be buried further still. He took stock of his position, his seven feet of height in the smooth dark-blue armour he wore allowing him to easily peer over the top of the pod and around the surrounding area. He flicked through vision filters like a couch-potato skipping through TV channels, spotting numerous forms of small organic life through thermal sensors, but nothing that seemed to be capable of detecting him. Eventually satisfied, he turned to the pod, and activated something using the computerised function of his suit. Slowly, the object sank into the earth. At the bottom of the pod there was some form of mechanism that ate away at the ground beneath it, somehow carrying that same dirt up and over to fill the hole it had left behind. There was still a noticeable dip when its work was finished, but in a forest, such a mark would not be seen. Certainly not before Hunter was finished with his mission here and the recovery crews had removed all signs of his presence. There was a reason he chose a forest, in a state of the U.S known for being covered mostly in trees. No one had the time, nor the energy, to go looking for alien technology in a forest that big, and they couldn’t see jack shit from up above, the canopy was good for that at least. Hunter, for his part, had gone in light. He was only equipped with his basics, his pistol, baton, and a couple standard gadgets. If the need arose, he’d requisition more equipment, to either be dropped from space in degradable containers or if the situation was exceedingly dire, fabricated by a materializer in some quiet spot. There was no need to assume the worst already though. For now he was just looking around, until a smooth voice came through his headset. [color=f7976a]“Hunter, report.”[/color] [color=1E90FF]“Keia salaisa, ornassa saorplaas, sinarsoora.”[/color] [i]Keia Hail, transport complete, undetected.[/i] [color=f7976a]“Speak English, Hunter, you might need it sooner than you think.” [/color] Hunter was nothing if not patient, but Keia tried his patience like no one he had ever met. The silence that followed that remark persisted for some time, but as usual, he lost. [color=1E90FF]“Understood. Proceeding towards co-ordinates now. E.T.A is 4.56 A.M, local time.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“Good. Familiarise yourself with this world’s measurement systems, they are competent enough and will better serve you on the surface.”[/color] [color=1E90FF]"Understood.”[/color] He sprinted away into the forest, leaving little trace behind him. [u][b]4.57 A.M[/b][/u] [color=1E90FF]“Co-ordinates reached, I have secured a vantage point from which I can survey the settlement.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“Understood, you are a minute off schedule, any problems?”[/color] [color=1E90FF]“Just a run in with an indigenous creature, I am informed it is referred to as a black bear.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“Not like you to be waylaid by wildlife, Hunter.”[/color] She almost sounded amused, if Hunter had been anyone else he’d have felt sheepish. [color=f7976a]“No matter, your mission parameters remain unchanged, infiltrate the city. We have initiated Infil-01*, so you should be safe from recording devices.” [/color] [color=1E90FF]“Understood, I will move into the settlement and await the report of sweep teams, acting at my own discretion.”[/color] He paused a moment. [color=1E90FF]“The animal was stuck in a trap of sorts, the creature was too young to be a threat to these humans, I rectified the situation.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“Oh.”[/color] [i]Infil-01 is a prelim step before an operative goes surface side on a planet of sufficient technological sophistication, such as Earth, to record or otherwise capture images of Hunter or alien technology and share it across a virtual space. All devices in a region around Hunter are infected with a subtle, yet exceedingly advanced, computer virus which wipes their memory and hard-drives during any period where Hunter is within range of their recording software. The only data wiped pertains to recordings within this radius, nothing else is affected. The virus is nearly undetectable, only an individual with extensive technological expertise would be likely to detect it, and even then, discovering its origins or its purpose would be a step too far for most. The virus is one that originates from a collection of societies many, many times more advanced than Earth. Norton isn’t going to cut it.[/i]