My bad if I kept anyone waiting, I'm still trying to get a laptop into the hosp to type - but things are hard. Can't type from phone long messages either because phone keeps disconnecting from server every few minutes, erasing any message longer than a minute to type. If you are waiting for me, kindly feel fRee to skip my turn this time. And crumbs, I welcome you to guide K along in your post and treat him as an npc if I haven't posted by tomorrow (half a day from now) because likely I was not able to get my laptop in/the person I asked was to busy to bring it to me. It's nothing serious, they are just keeping me here for observation so no worries there. I'm actually more worried about not posting lol. Once more, I'm really soz about not posting because of this, the stars are really aligned against me for this one post LOL - I feel like I'm being experimented on by the doctors whenever they keep giving me these non-answers. "Inconclusive." My foot.