[h1][center][color=662d91][b]Lieutenant Jabari[/b][/color][/center][/h1] Kojo stood in line with the rest of his crewmates. His uniform was pressed crisply, with just a hint of starch. His hair, cut high and tight on the sides and back, shaping upward into a flat top. His mustache, he trimmed this morning to insure no hairs hung over his upper lip or extended beyond the corners of his mouth. Lt. Jabari scanned the docking area near the portal to get a feel for the people he was about to spend the next several years with. It was not his first assignment, but the excitement was welling inside. He served as Helmsman aboard the [i]USS Majestic[/i], Miranda-class starship for the past four or five years. He knew his job and thoroughly enjoyed it. The anticipation of piloting a brand new vessel excited him. It was like unwrapping a much anticipated birthday gift. Eventually, the crew was permitted to enter. As he approached the docking portal, he spied an attractive dark-haired woman greeting everyone with a smile. "Captain McCoy, very nice to meet you, ma'am--I am your helmsman, Lieutenat Kojo Jabari," the Lieutenant reciprocated her greeting before moving aboard ship. He thought to himself that he would also serve as the ship's tactical officer as he had on the [i]Majestic[/i]. This was a shared duty with the ship's navigator. The interior walls were a pristine white with color shading along the passageways, breaking up the whiteness, casting a flair upon the pallor in contrast. Kojo considered, this must be deck four per the schematics he reviewed prior to arriving at the Earth Shipyard. His berthing assignment had him on deck two. He would need to store his personal gear before heading to the bridge and the mess hall. Upon entering his quarters he discovered he would not have a share a birth with another officer, like he did aboard the [i]Majestic[/i]. He dropped his duty bag on the bed, opened the enclosure retrieving his clothing. He hung his uniforms in the closet and stored the civilian clothing items in the available drawers. His shaving kit, he placed in his private lavatory, which brought a smile to his face. [i]'All mine,'[/i] he thought. In his other hand, he had been carrying a bag containing exercise items and a Japanese Katana and Wakizashi to include wooden scabbards and wall mounting bracket. He placed theses on the floor with the intention of mounting them later, when he had more time. A handful of paper and ink books he placed on his bed's nightstand and his datapad he retained in his possession as he exited his room. He'd always preferred the older paper ink over reading digitized manuals. Upon seeing the doors to the bridge open, he recognized that the [i]USS Tricyion[/i] was very similar to that of the [i]USS Majestic[/i]. The [i]Majestic[/i] bridge was slightly larger, but not by much. He glanced over the helm controls realizing there was not much difference. This should be a similar assignment. When the clock approached the 1600 hour, Lieutenant Kojo Jabari headed to the mess hall with the rest of his new family, prepared to meet them. [h1][center][color=9e0b0f][b]Lieutenant JG Gavi[/b][/color][/center][/h1] Lieutenant Gavi trotted toward the entrance to the docking portal. A handful of crewmembers remained to board. He was one of the last, but not too late. He observed the human woman wearing the rank of Captain greeting everyone as they entered. Not wanting to offend his new Captain on his first day, he briefly remarked, "thank you, ma'am," without emotion. Gavi knew this ship in theory, but had never seen the inside until this very moment. He appreciated the newness of the craft but was very curious about the Engineering department. His quarters were not far from the docking portal. Upon entering his room, he found a Trill Engineering officer storing his gear in the starboard storage bins. Gavi strode to the port side of the room to drop his bag. His new roommate turned with a smile, "Good afternoon, my name is Ensign Nabiyev." Gavi glanced at the hand, then up at the Trill Ensign. "What is so good about it?" Gavi spoke softly. He hesitated, but the Ensign left his hand outstretched until Gavi submitted and shook the taller man's hand. It was four seconds of awkward silence. "I take it you are in engineering also?" The Trill tried to be friendly to his new roommate and fellow work mate. "You are the observant one aren't you, Ensign?" Gavi proceeded unpacking his belongings. He did not look at the Trill officer while he worked. Instead, he focused on storing his equipment. "Yes, right," the man felt put off. "We have more time to talk later," Ensign Nabiyev finished up his work as quickly as possible and left the room. Gavi felt comforted upon establishing himself as the dominant member of their room. It wasn't enough that he outranked the Ensign, but he wanted the personal dominance as well. After all, this was where he was to live. He smiled at himself, and then turned the heat up in the room to 35°C (95°F). [i]'No reason, we shouldn't have it comfortable in here,'[/i] Gavi thought to himself. As a Tellarite, he preferred a much warmer climate than humans or Trill, for that matter. When he arrived on the deck six engineering office, he found Ensign Nabiyev. The room felt chilly to him, but he would not subject the other members of Engineering to his preferences; at least not on the first day. Naviyev was another story. He was his roommate. He would have to adapt to Gavi's desires. He looked over the master systems display. It was much has he had read about and seen in images. He then moved to deck eight Engineering and found a Chief Petty Officer working on the Antideuterium sublimators. The older human appeared experienced and Gavi did not want to intrude. He studied what he was doing and realized this Chief was quite competent. "Chief, what is your name?" Gavi asked the man. "Chief Petty Officer Kulik Petrovich, sir!" the man announced. "Wonderful. I am Lieutenant Gavi. I believe we will be working together. Please continue with your task. Do not let me interrupt." Gavi did enjoy arguing and preferred to engage in this form of banter with his peers, but would never consider such a display with a subordinate. Besides, Chief Petrovich's activities would hasten the departure of the [i]USS Tricyion[/i]. While the Chief worked on the Matter/Antimatter reaction injectors, Lt. Gavi busied himself at the master systems display on Deck eight. Everything else appeared to be functioning within normal parameters, aside from the M/ARC. "Chief, the Captain wishes us to attend a meeting in the mess. If Commander Robin instructed you to work on the antimatter injector, I'll leave you," Gavi spoke and then proceeded up to the ship's mess hall.