Audrey missed the first part of Jasmine's gratitude, but guessed at what she was saying. She turned the better of her ringing ears toward her and focused to catch the rest. [i]"... I can hear your heart-beat."[/i] "Like the beat of a drum?" she asked with a bark of loud and somewhat bitter laughter. It had not been lost on her that she had taken on the injuries of those she had miraculously healed. And therefore it was, in a way, Jasmine's fault that her hearing was damaged. She just hoped it wasn't permanent. Aud leaned over the handlebars of her bike and lowered her voice to mirror Jasmine, though she didn't have the girl's apparent super hearing. "Believe me, I don't know anything more than you. Well," she looked about, "Maybe one thing. Do you remember Solomon? Majumdar? I saw him last night, and it got [i]weird[/i]." Another girl, who, like most people her age, she recognized vaguely from school, came upon them and let out the most god awful series of rambling. Audrey caught the end, the bit about super powers, but had trouble following the rest. "Girl, my ear drums are fucked, I only caught half of that. What super power do you think you have?" It was weird to ask that question and actually half expect a serious answer.