When the words reached his ears Sully felt his body freeze, they were now officially under way. He had experienced almost every kind of emotion up until this point, everything from excitement to fear and all that came with those. Now though, they had technically started, he just didn't know what to feel. His eyes caught glimpse of the older girl Lynda getting up and walking towards the bridge, her Totodile in close pursuit. There was a tug on Sully's shirt, Sully looked down to see Axew with a handful of fabric. The pokemon smiled excitedly and gestured towards the bridge, clearly Axew was looking forward to the adventure. [i][color=a187be]"Ok Axew...we'll go..."[/color][/i] Sully spoke quietly with a smile for his new friend. The small pokemon hopped from Sully's lap onto the floor, landing clumsily on his feet. Off balance Axew stumbled into Sully's chair leg. [i][color=a187be]"Be careful,"[/color][/i] Sully said with a laugh, getting up from the chair. [i][color=a187be]"Professor...thank you..."[/color][/i] Sully spoke with sincerity, managing to hold eye contact for each word. He felt a sense of pride and positivity wash over him, it had always been hard for him to hold eye contact with people. The situation, Axew, Alex...it was all helping him deal with his anxiety. While each of the people on this journey were strangers and unique in their own ways, they each chose to join the professors group. Deep down Sully clung onto that being enough to bring them together, to allow them all to open up and accept each other. What he dreaded more than anything was going through all the anxiety and worry to this point, only to have the group reject him. Alex had reassured him that would not be the case if he let them in, it had worked on her, why not this group? Sully raised his hand ever so slightly in a poor attempt at a wave before heading towards the bridge with Axew at his side. He reached down into his pocket and pulled out his phone. [i][color=a187be]"Axew come here."[/color][/i] Sully knelt down, Axew scrambling up onto his shoulder. [i][color=a187be]"I promised my friend I would send her a picture when I left...I'm sorry..."[/color][/i] The Pokemon let out what could only be described as a laugh before looking at the phones camera lens. Sully did his best to smile, only managing to look like he was confused. The shutter clicked and the picture was on it's way to Alex. Within moments his phone lit up with a wave of messages from the energetic girl. '[color=f49ac2]OMG![/color]' '[color=f49ac2]CUTEST THING EVER![/color]' '[color=f49ac2]LOOK AT THOSE EYES![/color]' '[color=f49ac2]CRYING HE'S SO CUTE![/color]' Sully looked back at Axew, [i][color=a187be]"She really likes you..."[/color][/i]