[b][i]Mikhail Suburov-Tachibana[/i][/b] Mikhail managed to school himself into calmness as a metaphorical calamity happened; Alice was now looking at Nico with evident interest, and was clearly trying to seduce him. On the one hand, it would probably be best for Nico to end up with a girl, because it's what will make him happy, sexuality-wise. But, that came with the caveat that it had to be the [i]right[/i] kind of girl, not people who are clearly lying to get into his pants. [i]Oh, my, Nico's turning to me, asking me for my own response,[/i] Mikhail realized. [i]What do I do? I can't give the girl carte blanche to seduce and use Nico, but at the same time, I have a feeling that if I reveal my suspicions of said girl too early, we'd make an enemy that was willing to seduce someone else - maybe that bullying redhead - to get revenge on the both of us. Besides, Nico would not like being the center of a quarrel between the girl and me.[/i] So in response, Mikhail gave a slight nod to Nico, one meant to convey both agreement and caution. He would then say, on his own: "Alice, it would be a pleasure to be friends with you. After all, the more we band together, the more we'd be bully-proof, right?" [i]But if you hurt Nico, I am going to make sure that once I acquire a 'smiting' ability, I will expose you as the lying, seducing, manipulative shrew you are.[/i] [i]But right now, I will protect you, because I am obligated to.[/i] [@January][@Nanashi Ninanai]