[b][u]Basic Information[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Elisabeth Black [b]Nicknames:[/b] Reflector [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Height:[/b] 1.3 meters / 4.26 feet [b]Weight:[/b] 30 kg / 66 pounds [b]Student Status:[/b] Student [b]Appearance[/b] [hider=appearance][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2009/354/2/7/albino_by_ars0.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Hair Color:[/b] White [b]Eye Color:[/b] Red [b]Nationality:[/b] British [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] She has a pale skin and snow white hair because she has no pigments in her body, even her eyebrows are white. The only thing on her body that is not white are her red eyes that appear to glow a bit in the dark. Her hair is quite long and she always ties them in two pigtails, on on each side of her head. She is one of the smallest in the Othergrounds as she is also one of the youngest. For a meta human she is actually quite skinny. She has almost 0 fat though so her skinny arms and legs are almost all muscles. [b]Attire:[/b] Her favorite color is white and she will almost never be seen wearing something that is not white. Sometimes it may be accentuated with some black, but most of it would be white. Most of the time she wears a sleeveless white dress that reaches to her knees. She will also wear knee-socks(dunno if they're called that) whenever she can. Her shoes are the only pure black thing she's wearing. She will almost always be seen with a book that she is currently reading in, mostly science or math books. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate Personality:[/b] \ [b]Outward Personality:[/b] While around others she acts very shy and quiet. She will avoid crowds if she can. Though if she sees someone with a very peculiar power she will observe that person. [b]Hobbies/Skills:[/b] Reading educational books, she loves to study anything there is and is quite interested in how other powers work. She has a talent for understanding how different things work and she has a very good memory. [b]History/Bio:[/b] \ [b]Favorite color:[/b] look in a tire [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Cerebral, Energy [b]Power:[/b] Vector Manipulation Elisabeth can control the vectors of anything that comes into contact with her. This can be applied to almost anything like momentum, heat, gravity, electricity, … This power can be divided into 2 different parts. Directional vector control and magnitude vector control. Currently she can’t change the force behind vectors yet. • [u]Reflection Shield:[/u] This is her standard ability and is always active, though in passive-mode. This shield covers her entire body. Anything that comes into contact with it will have its vector’s direction reversed, while maintaining the same force behind it. When it is on passive-mode it can only reflect one thing at a time and will only reflect things that are viewed as hostile in her mind. When she concentrates on the shield it can reflect a very large amount of things at the same time, though it will reflect anything hostile or not. She is able to change the vectors to another direction instead of just reversing it while concentrating. • [u]Internal Vector Control:[/u] She can control all vectors inside her body or outgoing vectors. A good example of this is when she punches something the force that would be sent back through her hand is turned around, adding extra strength to her punch and doing zero damage to her hand. • [u]Internal Vector Normality:[/u] This is her passive ability. When there is something wrong with the vectors inside her body her ability will try to correct them. For instance a bleeding wound will bleed less since it is trying to keep the blood flowing in the normal direction. The strongest part is that this reduces the strength/duration of mind altering powers, if for instance her mind is being scrambled or frozen it will try to correct her brain’s bioelectricity. This ability is automatic and she has no control over it. [b]Weaknesses: [/b] • Her biggest weakness is that she can only control vectors known to her. She has to have read about a vector or correctly heard about it before she can control it. • She can only change vectors of something that is in contact with her (clothing included). • While manipulating the force of vectors her reflection shield gets disengaged. [b]Burst Potential:[/b] Zeta burst, Delta burst, Theta burst [b]Other:[/b] She's an albino.