[h3][color=gray]~[/color] [color=black]Nihiri Rakkan[/color][/h3][hr][hr] The cigarette held between his lips left a thin trail of smoke that lingered in the air behind him as he walked through the marvelous gates of the Four Winds Academy. Thanks to his participation in the unofficial orientation a few days before, his possessions had already been taken to his dorm and unpacked, and he was vaguely familiar with his way around the school, but the small map folded into his back pocket assured him that he wouldn't get lost too easily. He had both of his hands in the pockets of his black, semi-formal jeans, and his head wasn't entirely down, but neither was he looking straight forward. Nihiri had several sets of the same outfit, his "Semi-Formal" wear, which included a black vest overtop of a white button-up with cuffed sleeves, a loose black necktie, and a pair of well fitting black dress-jeans. He wore this ensemble at all times, except in the case of Formal events, in which he would wear a black sports-jacket. As he walked further into the school grounds, the number of people slowly increased until he hit what he assumed to be the center, given the surplus of pedestrians milling about and striking up nervous conversations. His eyes grazed over their numbers slowly, pulling the cigarette from his mouth momentarily, only to flick the build-up of ash off and return the burning stick to his lips. As he surveyed, he noticed a window a story above his height open, releasing a quick yet steady billow of smoke that flooded into the atmosphere, blocking out the sun. He watched in interests as slight beams of light began to push through, growing exponentially until the ground was covered in a magical disco-ball pattern. As he continued to watch, he saw as the smoke began to spiral downwards, slowly forming into beautiful birds, doves to be exact, which quickly began to dive towards each and every student. Doubting the likelihood of a magical attack occurring on the first day, he smiled and braced himself for the Dove of narcotic origins, inhaling the familiar smoke deep into his lungs, only to be caught wonderfly off guard as he felt himself fall victim to it's magical properties. As Jasper's semi-personal message was relayed, then shortly dissipated, he noticed the sudden appearance before him of a lean, yet muscular man with dark Auburn hair appear before him, as well as in front of every student within his line of sight, assuming that this was a strange part of an odd Orientation, he followed the man happily, taking another slow puff from the cigarette in his mouth.