[center][i]The winter snow thaws in the north. The rivers run swift, impregnated and gorged by the spring melt and the spring rains. Leaves bud anew as the bone-chill of winter gives way to the wet snap of spring. A world uncoils anew for the fresh year ahead. On the north shores the ice pulls itself from the gravel sands into the cold northern ocean, uncovering to the sun the once frozen whale carcasses dragged ashore by the northern fishermen. In the mountains ice packs burst, filling valleys with fresh waters and the streams and springs recoil from their winter suppression. The mountain rivers of the north, freed from the alpine ice are flowing free again to cascade down rough rocks and narrow ravines. To burst over the ancient walls of sea-side fjords to the cold gray ocean below. The broken coasts are alive again this spring, and so too are the men and wise-folk. From the pastures and forests of the southern great plains to the northern mountains and cold north ocean the world around the Aeldarsee wipes winter from their eyes and casts aside the sleep for a renewed vigor, renewed adventure. The warm southern winds blow and throw open the gates of ambition with the retreat of the ice packs and bergs. It is spring on the Aeldarsee.[/i][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/934a/f/2016/276/0/4/age_of_iron_new_map_by_aaronmk-dajb0ie.png[/img][/center] [hr] Age of Iron is a fantasy NRP, set in the deep north of a fictional world. It is spring and winter is beginning to wane in the south. Here the people have been living nearly as they have for centuries, though slowly the ideas and concepts of the far foreigners are beginning to work their ways in as raiders and traders from these distant kingdoms return from their long voyages, braving winter ice or summer weather to obtain loot or trade from fat, wealthy soft folk. The world is as it would be in iron age Northern Europe or early Medieval Europe. The old gods – whomever they may be in whatever name – reign supreme still. While this world may be fantasy, magic is a source of explanation for what happens outside the control of man or beast. Men pray to their gods for fortune or to defend the lands they hold as being their sovereign, divine right to reign over. But while magic may be the unknown, the north is not inhabited strictly by man and in the deep wilds strange beasts still lurk and prowl. And apart from these still are those races like man, but unlike them in their own ways. So come ye adventurers, ye kings and king wannabees. Where is your tribe? [hr] [h2]Application[/h2] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Location[/b]: [b]Background[/b]: [hr] [h2]“Expectations” going forward:[/h2] I believe we all know the rules, so I won't stress those. Instead I'll stress some expectations going ahead. I'm not a big stat buff. I was in-fact attracted to the original RP because it wasn't science fiction, nor was it big on stats and table-top rules. I like narrative exploration and the blank-slate of a world that was this RP had me inspired. I'm not going to go into much detail, because the creativity of the world is in our hands as writers and narrative pilots. That said, when joining this I will not tolerate a WIP existing for too long. I am fine with preliminary land claims but I don't want things to be hung up in the eternal limbo of never being finished. I design my applications to be simple. I do not expect every little detail of daily living to be explored in the app; I will not read it. This is something that should be done in IC-posting. Do not put so much effort into your application that when it comes time to post you realize you explored everything in your app, and thus have no reason to continue posting after. There are things better left open-ended to handle as they arise. Please, treat your application as a primer with a basic history. Fill in the details later. I am also allowing alternate races to exist in this world. But the last thing I want to see is something so abstractly strange it's difficult to gauge how to approach it. I've seen people sign up as such alien things as men made entirely out of light, I don't want this. Keep your non-human races grounded to some sort of reality. Thank you. [hr] Claimed territories: [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/a581/f/2016/282/5/d/age_of_iron_new_map_territories_by_aaronmk-dajt4mw.png[/img]