Asta remained silently with the group - she didn't need to help formulate the plan, they were doing well on their own. They had a lead, a guard's help, and their own animal. She was just here to act as another pair of hands and to help the small Ydran they'd spoken about. As the moorcat bolted, she ran alongside Ethan, though the boy was surprisingly fast once he picked up momentum. They came to a scene that, had they waited any longer, probably would have been far more gruesome. The Ydran was rather surprised at the turn of events, but it worked out in the favor of this little band of misfits and she simply nodded at her instructions. "Sounds like a plan," She agreed, resting a hand on her hilt in anticipation. They all got into position and Nymira seemed to work with the lock somehow. Asta furrowed her brow - could this little warrior princess girl actually pick locks too? After all, it was a pretty difficult skill and even at times, the Ydran assassin had difficulty with them. Whatever the case was, the metal broke free and Asta pressed herself to the wall beside the from as the Dimura blasted the doors in with a kick. The woman remained low and slipped inside as the commotion created its own cover for her to move behind a few crates. Men shouted and barked orders all around and Wyth's snarls could still be heard over all of it. She pulled a short, pointed rod from her thigh and pivoted as she stepped out from behind her cover, catching sight of one of the slavers. She threw the pin and it sunk into his knee, immobilizing the joint as he turned to retaliate. Asta silently bolted toward him and he raised a hatchet to swing at her. The white-haired woman feigned right and he fell for it as her body twirled left, spinning a full turn, and he froze as she stopped just beyond him. It wasn't long before his shirt was covered in blood from his throat and her eyes sought a new target. Nymira was already moving after Ethan's assailants and so she moved into the next room, unhindered by any of the others, her body turned to the side as she advanced with a trained step into one of the back storehouses. Myria dashed beyond her feet and into the room as soon as Asta opened the door. The pair entered to find three men on their way out to assist their comrades and the cobra fox did not hesitate to dodge around ones feet and twist her lithe body to leap onto his back, her teeth clamping down on the back of his muscled neck. The Ydran woman ran in after her, pivoting to dodge the thrust of a knife, redirecting the man's hand so it just barely passed her. Her elbow rammed back into the gut of the next one and he stumbled back as she placed distance between and held up her falcata threateningly. Her eyes bore into them as they redoubled, leaving their friend alone to tumble with the creature as they advanced once more. She deflected an incoming blow from the man carrying a longer blade, but she felt a stinging in her left arm after she failed to move quickly enough to block the second. Rare was the occasion in which she had to handle two opponents at once. She hissed as they separated again, walking in a circle around one another as she held her arm, blood seeping over her fingers. "You two disgust me... Your kind disgusts me," She stated venomously. "Buying and selling people... living people with families and homes and friends... And children, no less!" The woman was already shouting as she spit on the ground at their feet. The three clashed again, but Asta was more prepared. She swung her blade and it clashed with the swordsman's. The knife-user came in just as he had last time, but she pulled her knee up and it snapped out, landing square in his gut. He doubled over for a moment, stepping back as the other man's pressure became heavier than Asta could handle. She stepped out from under his pressing sword and began exchanging attacks with him. The vibrations as the swords met from time to time numbed her hand, though she dodged most attacks, as her falcata was hardly meant for blocking. A few cuts for each of the fighters was all they sustained as they stared each other down, panting and sweating. Myria yelped as the first kicked her off of her prey. The long, red vixen rolled across the floor and Asta sneered, letting out a roar as she dove back into battle with the previous fighter. He took a swing at her and nearly caught her arm. No, wait, he did... his blade went clear through. He won! Asta grinned as his blade fell through air which was definitely occupied by her limb. What he didn't know was that she had put it out for him and in his moment of shock and awe, she twisted her blade and flicked, turning the tables as her uppercut-swing cut halfway into his chest from the lower-right corner of his abdomen. She yanked it free as he fell over, a gruesome sight covered only by his torn shirt. It was exhausting, but sometimes she had to use what little magic she knew how to. The other two hadn't quite seen what happened and she was quickly on the one who had kicked her companion, bringing her blade down on him with every ounce of power she had. He moved to block it, but his dagger was no match to block and it fell to the ground as it was knocked from his hand, giving him only a moment to recover. He backed up against a crate. "Wait, wait, please... Don't," He pleaded. The words fell on deaf ears as a sword entered his stomach, only stopping as it struck wood behind him. Asta pulled back and flicked the blade, freeing it of most the blood as the third man approached, his own sword raised. She barely managed to avoid his swing before Myria was on him again and the two were able to dispatch of him more easily. The savage cobra fox managed to catch his throat with her teeth and he fell like a sack of potatoes. Asta stumbled slightly, falling to a knee for only a moment as blood dripped from her shoulder and abdomen. She'd sustained a few cuts, a couple deeper than she would have liked, but she was still breathing, albeit it was a bit labored. The woman looked around the room... Of course it wasn't the one they were keeping the kidnapped people in. She headed for the exit, her free hand clutching her sword arm as she stepped out, her eyes peeling the scene for Ethan, Nymira, and that boy who had blown a hole in the room. He could most certainly pack a punch - he sounded like a pile of rocks hitting the ground though, the banging hardly sounded natural. Then again, who was she to judge? Her shoulders hunched slightly as she and Myria looked for their fellow fighters, four dead bodies now left in her wake.