Jaspin had seen the way she had started to reach forward, started to go help him get too the chair. Though he was rather relieved that she hadn't. He had to try and do things for himself while he still could, to sit around waiting for death to finally come was not how he wanted to spend his last few days or weeks with Elizabeth. Just because he choose to except his fate didn't mean that he needed to do so lazily. Plus he had managed to get to the chair on his own before collapsing into it. Jaspin could see the sad look in her eyes when he thanked her for not leaving, but it deserved a thanks. She could have left him, found another human to feed off, another who was strong enough to treat her the way he no longer could. So yes, he was thankful that she didn't leave him, that she had the patience to deal with the mood swings and not being able to sleep during the day. He looked at her as she answered his thanks, as she said she would not abandon him to suffer alone. Was it fair to make her suffer with him though? The cold touch on his fevered skin felt nice and he closed his eyes as she let her hand brush his face, leaning his head slightly into her touch. Before feeling her pull him into her arms a soft sigh coming from his lips as he wrapped his arms around her, her face against his chest. For if there was anything he would miss in death it would be moments like this he thought as his eyes closed yet again and he kissed the top of her head.