[@olcharlieboi][@Roseletta][@KatherinWinter][@supertinyking] Stepney raised an eyebrow at the word 'study' from Charles [color=fdc68a]"You know, you're a little creepy when ya talk like that"[/color] he shifted a little bit further away from the strange mage as spoke. He didn't bother raising any ideas on transport, his magic was fairly clumsy when it came to travel and would hardly be good for the forested land they were going to be traveling. Griffin's shadow magic was an interesting approach, probably the easiest way to move fast for a long period of time with a metal arm. [color=fdc68a]"Well I suppose it is your turn to pick the travel plans, guess that makes it Charles or Amaya tur-"[/color] he directionless musings were cut short by the deep husky voice of what appeared to be a musician a metal one at that. His appearance was one of last things Stepney expected to see on the island, still it wasn't his place to step in fro Gene to act unless she needed it so he remained tense and waited for Amaya's next move.