[hider=Cecelia "Ace" Garron] Name: Cecelia Garron Callsign/Nickname: Ace Age: 30 Gender: Female Race: Human Occupation/Rank: SPEC Affiliation: UEGNC, 101st Tactical Recon Squad Appearance: [hider=Cecelia “Ace” Garron] [Img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f9/4a/dc/f94adc5ce287df6a2397741c6771738f.jpg[/Img] [/hider] Personality: Cecelia is easygoing when not in combat. She has a tendency to get serious real fast, often turning from joking to serious in a spit second. When in the field, Cecelia is quiet, hardly ever speaking unless spoken to. History: Cecelia was born and raised on a CIC-held planet called Venom. Her parents were anti-CIC and were in contact with the UEGNC while the planet was being faught over. Cecelia was usually never noticed, as she didn’t stand out much in crowds, so she started using that to her advantage: helping free the planet from CIC soldiers. Cecelia was part of an anti-CIC malitia group known as the United Earth Freedom Malitia (UEFM) and started with a recon unit. When civil war between the CIC and UEFM broke out, Cecelia switched gears, learning how well she can snipe. Once a high-calibur weapon was acquired by the UEFM, Cecelia started using it to take down CIC units during skirmishes, leading to the retreat of CIC forces. After a full, official-ish report was delivered to the UEGNC HQ, letters soon arrived for the brave UEFM survivors offering positions in the UEGNC. Cecelia accepted, with encouragement from her family. After Basic Training, she was directly inserted as a PFC, but soon rose as a SPEC to be placed in a recon unit as a sharpshooter, with squadmates giving her the name “Ace” from her accuracy and ability in both sniping and CQC. Weapons and Equipment: [url=http://orig03.deviantart.net/5a9e/f/2012/162/3/f/female_sci_fi_armour_01_by_graym-d47u063.jpg]Tactical Recon Armor[/url]: Providing basic defense, this suit allows for full movement while staying somewhat safe.. Optical Invisibility Camoflage: by bending light around the wearer, this armor attachment can make the wearer appear invisible (see Halo: Reach’s Active Camoflage) but is able to be noticed if the wearer is moving or within 10 feet of the equipment. [url=http://orig05.deviantart.net/f8fb/f/2015/054/f/5/ut_sniper_2_by_aberiu-d8j8j8t.jpg]ACAR-311 Sniper Rifle[/url]: Sniper rifle assigned to recon cover fire operatives. This weapon can be used at tremendous ranges while maintaining pinpoint accuracy, to those with skill. This weapon attaches to the back of her armor’s chestplate. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/33/5f/7c/335f7c6a9a92947b488fcdc72f6f34a5.jpg]LP4 Stealth Pistol[/url]: Made to adapt many situations, this small sidearm is harder to notice and has several attachments for different types of ammo, including incendiary, explosive, holopoint, and rapid-fire. While short-ranged, it still has stopping power of the standard-issue pistols. This pistol attaches to the armor’s right thigh, with attachments clipping onto the left thigh. [url=http://www.oldschoolknifeworks.com/media/catalog/product/cache/5/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/1/1/114a_5_in._armor_piercing_silver_vein_butterfly_medium_.png]5-inch Armor-Piercing Butterfly Knife[/url]: Used as a CQC aid against heavily-armored foes. It cuts through tougher metals, but is much shorter than most combat knives to make it less noticable. Skills and Abilities: Sharpshot - Cecelia’s aim is nigh matched except androids programmed for accuracy. CQC - Cecelia, when required to join the front lines and put the sniper rifle away, will lead with knife and pistol as her weapons, but can still fight well bare-handed. Stealth - As she typically does covert sniping, Cecelia is well-trained in the art of stealth. Quotes: “No need for more than one bullet per kill.” Theme: WIP [/hider]