[quote=@mattmanganon] Dude, it doesn't matter what kind of Inquisitor you are, if you tell a Space Marine "Join my retinue" then they're gonna fucking join it, because they know they'll get horribly fucking Exterminatus'd if they don't. [/quote] I'm just chalk it up to say that Karthis doesn't think he has enough repute to go and get a space marine and that Karthis is also not one giving out Exterminatuses like Opera but that's just an IC excuse, it was determined at the start there would be no Astartes since neither the GM nor I wanted one person going around rofl-stomping everything. [quote=@mattmanganon] That being said, I would love to play a Mutant or abhuman. Failing that, something Mechanicus related. I know the Inquisition and AdMechs aren't on the best of terms (Inquisition tolerate them because the Imperium would fall apart without them.) But the oblivious one that only cares about carving up every bit of tech that he finds sounds like fun. [/quote] Personally I'd say play a mutant or abhuman [s]even though its likely that idea will get the Inquisitor killed eventually[/s]; we already got a 1 or 2 AdMechs though, might wanna double check on that since we currently only have one with a finished CS. Also, we've already started ya know?