Gore's scales were like armor so her kicking was very poorly felt if at all. The Blood Dragon was one of the strongest built Dragons to be seen and that was why his kind was so rare. The only Blood Dragon to be seen since the dawn of mankind. Now the Ancient Dragon knew of how Humans saw his kind, but that wouldn't stop him from assaulting anyone or anything for being a pest which Marian was being. Loathing humans came with a low tolerance of being near him..then why was he helping the girl that was now atop his back? He couldn't answer that himself, not at the moment as arrows and other things rained down upon him. As Gore continued to move, he made sure to duck out of the way of the arrows, and even bring his wings up in a shield like fashion around the girl if any went passed his head which only meant they were aiming for her. From the Rosalie's position, she would be able to see arrows pierce through his wings, stopping less then half way as his blood slowly began to seep down the thick leathery make-shift shields. Why was he trying to save this girl?! She didn't deserve it right!? She probably thought of him like every other human! He couldn't answer any of these questions, but no matter. He was in it now and he was going to commit to the end. Even if it meant a disadvantage in a fight with these cowardly beings. Now the Blood Dragon knew of how human beings were. They were violent, crude and cruel. They call the winged Lizards dumb but in truth? They knew humanity better than most considering they were the ones enslaved. If Gore hadn't picked Rosalie up? The Blood Dragon knew what would have happened..They would have killed Rosalie and called her a causality, and that would be if she was lucky. If some of Marian's men got a hold of her? They would probably do things that even a Dragon would think twice of doing to their captors. People were sick like that, and for some reason? Gore didn't want that to happen to this girl. The girl who actually said 'Thank you.'. The one who actually pulled the arrows out instead of shoving them deeper into the monster before her. So maybe he did know why he was trying to save her. He wanted to see just how far this particular human was willing to go when it came to truth and justice. As he continued to propel forward, Gore could hear her shouting, making him turn his head quickly to see the gash on her cheek. His eyes narrowed at how she got hit, letting out a scoff of fire as his wings curled around her protectively, making sure the next arrows would hit him. There were countless stories about the Blood Dragon in battle, so many that one would consider almost all of them fables. Tales that made children wonder and fear just how fierce a true Dragon could be in a fight. The look in his teal eyes shown a different side though, was it a look that had the mind of a thinker in the middle of a fight? Or one that would charge in and blaze everything in its path. Well, she'd find out! As the Red Dragon drew closer, he could feel that Marian was beginning to drag it out longer, and just as she was 'cornered'. Rosalie would hear the whipping of Gore's tail, followed by the crackling and splintering of a tree behind them. Even his tail possessed a strength that rivaled any machine of modern day. As the net shot up, Gore saw the opening, throwing the massive tree at it, colliding with it before running up the tree, furling his wings as he jumped through it, immediately flapping his wings to take off and get height. That's exactly what he did, he started to go higher and higher above the battlefield, staying as steady as he could with the woman on his back, letting out a huff of breath at the moment they had. Looking back at his rider, he could see that she was having a hard time holding on to the spikes on his back, making him let out another scoff. He couldn't just leave in the condition he was in, they would find him and right now he had more strength than he'd have later..So, he slowly moved his tail around Rosalie, pulling her to look at him. He positioned himself in a straight up position, flapping his wings to stay floating as he stared into her eyes. The cut on her cheek made him grumble, tilting his head at her before huffing and clasping his jaws shut, as if saying something. When nothing came out, he slowly leaned forward, licking the cut on her cheek to clean it. Despite being a Dragon, he seemed more friendly than the stories would tell. That's when he heard an explosion, looking down as he was struck on his side, actually dropping Rosalie in the process of falling himself. Blood seeped from under his wing as part of it seemed curved and bent the wrong way. Whatever hit them did considerable damage to the Dragon, though when he came to his senses, he noticed the girl wasn't in his grasp anymore, making him let out a roar as he furled his wings, diving down to find her. If she was screaming it'd be easier! When he saw her through all the smoke, he dived down and quickly held his claws out to grab her, making it just in time as he caught her, turning and falling into the forest, clutching her to his chest as he skid into the rocky mountainside, crashing into several tree's. It took a moment for him to realize where he was, moving his eyes to check on his human, hoping she was okay. Why did he care!? Was he that lonely? He hated these people! If she was okay, he would just growl and move to place her on his back again. Wanting to find Marian so he could burn her alive, the Blood Dragon began moving to find his target, able to smell her out from the rest of her company, one that made him cringe. He loathed women born with power.. As he quickly moved Gore noticed there were other guards and soldiers moving in position to take him down, keeping his eyes toward the sound of each watery footstep and the clank of armor made him more aware than he had been before. Continuing his movements, Gore's tail whipped out against several tree's, using his hind legs to knock them over, trying to scare off the guards. After a few moments, The Blood Dragon roared, jumping over several tree's and landing in front of Marian who seemed to be recovering from her last closer encounter, Her guards were with her and immediately drew up arrows, having them sling them back and waited for her order to fire. Gore's wings wrapped tightly around the girl passenger upon his back, stepping closer to Marian with a snarl that rivaled even the stories, as if he wanted nothing else than to hear her bones crack under his massive jaws. If given the order, they'd fire, hitting Gore's body easily from how large the Dragon was, blood was pouring from his wounds and by all logic, most other Dragons would have probably fallen over by now.. and yet he still approached, blazing part of her guards and swiping his tail onto the others, staring daggers at Marian. Now if she had no traps, the Blood Dragon would bring his tail up and wrap it around her -tight-, bringing her up to look him in the eyes. He would squeeze lightly, making sure she knew that he could easily go a bit more and hear her bones break. Now if she did look hard, she could actually see what he was thinking, whether to ear her now and be done with it, or crush her, or burn her..or even impale her. With that, he licked his lips and huffed, slamming her down into the ground before moving his claw over her body, pressing downward on her. Not hard like he had with the last hunter known as Glenn, but enough for her to know who was really in control. Little did he know, something FAR..far worse was coming...