Valechka noticed the other girl moving before suddenly coming to a stop. "Cyka blyat!" she shouted, a puff of smoke shooting from the sky. The entire area was dark. She clawed at her face, jumping out of the way of one and into another. "Cyka! Cyka! Cyka!" she shouted, thrashing about before whatever magic it was took control of her, [i]even if the magic was fast enough to overtake the other students before they could do the same.[/i]. She was staring up at the sky, though her vision was blotted out. In her mind, Valechka cursed up a storm, however there was not much sound coming from her actual body. An onlooker could possibly believe she was having some kind of seizure, arms postured outward, legs outstretched as if she were hanging from a cross, her limbs completely tensed. "нет! призрак гриль кролика шлюха!" Before her, appeared an unkempt, casually dressed man. She recognized him as some kind of assailant. "Nyet! Get out of my head cyka!" she shouted internally, unable to do anything. Neither 'poison' nor 'corrupt' sounded like pleasant words to her, nothing she wanted done to herself. "Nyet! Babushka was wrong! I want go home! I want go home!" The bear-girl wheezed as the smoke left her body. It wasn't anything she wasn't used to, but that did not make it any more pleasant. When she got back to her senses, Valechka returned to thrashing about on the floor. "Cyka blyat!" she shouted, scratching at the air. It seemed she was separated from Annabelle. Valechka relaxed, letting her limbs fall back down to the ground. She picked herself up, deciding it'd be best to look for her old-ish acquaintance. Her round, fluffy, and reasonably sensitive bear-ears were capable of picking up Annabelle's voice, or at least what she thought was such, walking towards it, pushing past crowds of people only to find Annabelle among a crowd of three others. She held herself back a moment, before stepping up to introduce herself. "Eh. Excuse my friend. My name Valechka. This Annabelle. Eh... we uh... foreign. Da." [@Ayemdar][@Letter Bee][@January][@Nanashi Ninanai]