[@13org] So there are a great many issues with your character sheet, most of which seem to suggest that you haven't really read the first post particularly well. [hider=Problems] 1. Draconids have [i]human[/i] names, not fancy dragon-like names. And they certainly wouldn't be named for their knowledge as a newborn child. 2. Regarding the above, he could be seventy two years old. He most certainly could not have been born a Draconid if he is that old. Basic chimera production wasn't even figured out until the 2030s, and dragon fossils weren't discovered until several years after that. Also, don't just declare how long "Draconid years" are compared to human years. That's not for you to decide. 3. So I'm cool with him being a mage. Being way stronger than is typical? No. The vast majority of mages, which are already very rare, ae still at or slightly above street tier in terms of power output, and any mage with the power to bring down, say, an entire block of buildings is already in the top 1% of all mages easily; the sort of energy output you've described him as having, with enough power to disintegrate everything within 50m and negatively affect [i]an entire, reasonably large country,[/i] puts him at literally the top spot, without equal save for maybe the Lord of Silence and what few other city busting mages existed in the past, which is absolutely unacceptable as far as character creation goes. Especially it being "too much for a living being to handle". That's not how it works. 3.1. By the way, magic wasn't known to the masses until fifteen-odd years ago. Aside from anything else, he'd have to be part of the Ordo Obscurum to do any magical research, at least until that disintegrated. 3.2. Again with the soul thing! I explained this before with Banana's first character, and I'd rather not repeat myself. 4. Nanotubes weren't even discovered until some time in the 20th century. How the hell did an ancient civilisation figure out how to make molecules that require very high-tech methods to produce nowadays, and if they knew how to do it, [i]how did they lose it?[/i] A civilisation like that ought to have had an absurd technological advantage over their peers; it'd be like the Assyrians, who had iron weaponry where most other civilisations at the time were still stuck with bronze, except [i]way more exaggerated.[/i] Like, if the Assyrians brought a gun to a knife fight, this ancient civilisation would be equipped with the equivalent of rapid-fire nuclear missile launchers. And since when would ANY Middle-Eastern civilisation create a [i]katana?[/i] 5. If the sword abruptly gains a will of its own, having had none before, there's no reason why it'd automatically be hostile to the person who actually imbued said will upon it. If anything, I'd propose that the sword would be slaved to the owner's will, since at that stage, it'd be like a newborn baby more than anything else. But none of that really matters anyway, because an inanimate object with no brain is not going to abruptly gain a mind of its own, and certainly not in that fashion, mostly because... 5.1. Physical matter has no inherent magical properties unless specifically enchanted. I don't necessarily fault you for not knowing that, but it isn't naturally magical, hence all the clarifications about what restrictions magic has in the intro post. 6. The whole idea that he has so much magic that he could explode at any moment. It does not work like that. Not unless somebody actively cursed him to store magic to a critical level in a way he couldn't access before forcibly detonating it all, but... 7. And a variety of other errors that at this point I can't say I need to go over in detail, primarily the HUGE number of errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and terminology, e.g. repeated mislabelling of Draconids as "draconic". I know it's the Casual forum, but at least aim for smart casual, not street casual. [/hider] The point I'm making is, despite the effort you obviously put in, it's the same situation as Banana's initial character, in that you might as well come up with a new character outright for the amount of stuff you'd need to change to make this one work. And a lot of that is caused by you missing points that were very clearly described in the first post. So, no, Jör isn't accepted.