Hihi [@Crumbs][@Komamisa][@Vec][@rush99999] Is everyone still here? I've been released from [s]medical torture[/s] hospital! I'm typing up a post now, it's been on my mind for the past few days and I've been feeling guilt ridden over it ... but now with good, long lasting network, I can finally begin! But it should be up pretty quickly, I've had more than ample enough time to plan my post while lying on a bed stuck with IV drips and weird machinery stuck to my arms. I tried the copy paste method but something was wrong with the server and I could only send messages I typed through another app/game's browser (which didn't allow copy paste) as a proxy, so I was stuck with messages that I HAD to type only within a few minutes or so (including logging in, typing the URL to this website, connecting to the hosp's wifi through the app). I will have the post up in about an hour.