[color=fff200][i]Perfect.[/i][/color] Alice was both amused and pleasedwith Nico's awkward reply, and answered his words with a kind smile on his part, while Mikhail's answer at first confused her, but she then realized that it was actually pretty relevant. Of course there would be bullies here. The heroine of the story would face hardships in this brave new world of magical high school, and bullies would be the perfect hurdle for her to face. It would show her ingenue that would shine through their wickedness. She could barely restrict herself from letting out an "Ohohoh!" laugh as she praised her train of thought about setting the best academy experience for herself. So while the newly formed group continued their way following the instructor, she opened her notebook once more and started writing. The best stories were ones that were grounded in reality, so of course, she had to make herself live in those stories to make it accurate. However, it seemed that it's not only her today that had an idea of bumping to Mikhail. A girl with long, black hair bumped into him after being pushed around by the crowd, and now was profusely apologizing to him. Alice hated to admit it, but she did look quite gorgeous. While Alice was busy deciding whether she was more a threat or a potential friend for her though, another girl arrived. Despite her small size, her mouth spouted more pollution than an old truck's exhausts. Was she a country bumpkin? Ah, those types usually were honest and reliable. Probably hard to approach at first, but Alice was confident in being able to get close to her as she could prove to be quite the asset for her in pursuing the potential routes here. [quote=@KOgaming]"Eh. Excuse my friend. My name Valechka. This Annabelle. Eh... we uh... foreign. Da." [/quote] [color=fff200]"A-ah, nice to meet you two! I'm Alice, from France! Let's...uh...let's be friends! The more here, the merrier!"[/color] Of course, everything went well at first, but then Mikhail decided to say something that irked her. [quote=@Letter Bee] "You know, you look like you are just Nico's age; why don't you walk beside him?" [/quote] [i]No damn it, what the hell?[/i] Before Mikhail finished, Alice had disappeared from his side and reappeared on the right side of Nico as she opened her Window right below herself. She pushed herself to get close to him, and at first thought to try holding his hand, but in the end decided not to since that would seem that she's getting pushy, something a bit unbecoming for a heroine in this school setting. Even if she's still not 100% decided yet on whether she should pursue Nico's route fully, no way in hell would she allow someone to set up a rivalry this early. With a victorious smile on her face, she turned her head a bit to look at the three behind her. [color=fff200]"With us five teaming together, I'm sure we'll have quite the [i]fun[/i] time here!"[/color] [@Letter Bee][@KOgaming][@Ayemdar][@January]