As Annabelle looked at Mikhail, Valechka appeared and introduced the two of them. [color=pink][i]"Valechka, hey! Sorry, I got pushed around by the crowd and then bumped into Mikhail here.."[/i][/color] She kind of trailed off in embarrassment because she knocked the boy down. She looked back at Mikhail as he spoke. Annabelle nodded and smiled at Alice and Nico as they were introduced to her. [b]Anyway, want to form a group with us to deter bullies, as well as help each other in academic studies?[/b] [color=pink][i]"Uh, yeah, sure!"[/i][/color] Annabelle was normally cautious when making friends, but she somehow now had 4, which confused her a bit. [b]You know, you look like you are just Nico's age; why don't you walk beside him?[/b] Annabelle thought this seemed a little odd, but before she could even react Alice had planted herself on that side of Nico. [i]I guess Alice has a thing for Nico[/i] Annabelle noted mentally. She tried not to bring too much attention to that display of jealousy from Alice. [color=pink][i]"I guess I'll be walking next to you and Valechka."[/i][/color] She said to Mikhail while attempting to laugh and play off the awkward scene that was happening. [@Nanashi Ninanai] [@Letter Bee] [@KOgaming] [@January]