[color=ed145b][b]NICO LEHMANN[/b][/color] Just as Mikhail approved Alice's inclusion into their...[i][color=ed145b]walking group?[/color][/i]...a girl fell onto Mikhail, who also tipped over. [i][color=f6989d]Wow. She's gorgeous.[/color][/i] [i][color=ed145b]Wow, she's a fucking supermodel.[/color][/i] As Nico's flustered mind shifted into autopilot around particularly beautiful girls ([color=f6989d][i]Color. What's her hair color? What is it? Brown? No, no. Brown? No. Brown? No.[/i][/color]) yet another girl came up to their group. [color=f6989d][i]Teddy bear ears? Brown? No. Wait, bear paws?! Also brown? NO.[/i][/color] He barely managed to catch their introductions while he flailed around in his mind for his own name. [i][color=ed145b]Nico. Your name is Nico. Do not open your mouth and say Nicobutt.[/color][/i] Then Alice appeared--literally appeared--on his right and pushed herself against him and Nico just blurted out the first thing on his mind. [color=f6989d]"Nicobutt?"[/color] He immediately slapped a hand over his mouth and froze. [color=f6989d]"Nico?"[/color] he murmured through his hand, stiffly waving at Annabelle and Valechka for far too long. [color=f6989d]"I just--Nico. I'm Nico. Hi, Alice?"[/color] he asked the greeting, meaning to ask why she was suddenly so close, but not quite getting there. Nico's face was about the color of the vermilion thread he clutched in his hand and he began tottering forward, still distinctly aware that an actual female was pressed up against him. [color=f6989d][i]Soft. Girls are soft.[/i][/color] [i][color=ed145b]Keep your mouth shut.[/color][/i] [color=f6989d][i]Wow, they smell really nice, too.[/i][/color] [i][color=ed145b]If you care about yourself at all, you will keep that hand plastered to your face, you dingbat.[/color][/i]