Half Russian? Valechka could smell a slav, and this "Mikhail", as he called himself, was not a slav. Sure, he had the scent of cigarette smoke wafting about him, but so did everybody else. Not to mention the cigarette smelled cheaper quality than anything a gopnik back home would ever even dream of being caught smoking. Valechka grimaced. She was in the presence of a mongrel referring himself as a slav. She didn't attack immediately however. She remembered what babushka always said. "Yes. Very nice." she nodded slowly, trying to hide her feelings of contempt. Any snide comments, she felt were best saved for a later date. "Are we saying where from now?" Valechka turned to face Alice, "from motherland. Unlike half-gopnik over there." She tilted her head at Mikhail, letting go of her previous thoughts of holding back, if only just slightly. At the mention of banding together, Valechka wasn't entirely sure. They were certainly welcoming, though Valechka knew better than to simply trust everybody she came across. "I do not know. Maybe see around school. Maybe classmates. Not know if team." she excused herself. "Do not be of worryings my friend," her mood changed, "I will stay close as possible, maybe." Valechka glimpsed briefly at Nico, looking him up and down. "Look red like babushka's kompot. Maybe get drink of water. Am thinking you are of dehydrated." she remarked, then excused herself to the corner of the group, watching the flank but not saying much.