Tarrin strutted off towards the cockpit, seemingly oblivious to Arlus' question. Fisher decided to jump in. [color=ed1c24]"The Council isn't welcome in the Terminus Systems just based on principle. An official military task force would get no help from the locals. Besides that fact, an invasion of military forces might be seen as an act of war by certain groups out here. Even if it didn't, the very rumors of military presence wold send Icarus burrowing deeper into whatever holes they may be hiding in"[/color] [color=39b54a]"Pirate crew like this is exactly what's expected out on the frontier"[/color] Hawke added, taking the cue from Fisher to take over. [color=39b54a]"We can't roll around promoting ourselves as mercs with ARC or a made-up outfit, cuz Icarus will know someone's payin big to have them wiped out. Again, that'd scare 'em into hiding until they can cause more damage, but I think the point is no one's gonna blink twice at a rogue Spectre hoppin' around in a stolen Alliance ship with a small crew, just enough off the radar to not arouse suspicion while gathering intel, I mean maybe the Spectre thing would draw some eyes, but then we just stab 'em and go on our way"[/color] He chuckled at his own bad joke before trailing off. He coughed awkwardly before launching into his best 'bad comedian' impression. [color=39b54a]"Soooooo, any other questions? comments? Interesting backstory? Come on guys, help me out, I'm dyin' up here"[/color]