[center] [h2] [color=9e0039][b]Miora Sphere: Pilot and Always Amused[/b][/color][/h2] [hider=Mood Music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxsmWxxouIM[/youtube][/hider] [sub][u]Interactions/Mentions:[/u] Gera & Doctor Metal [@BurningCold], Horror Girl [@The1Rolling1Boy], Glaring Bulldog [@Starlance], [@Kaiachi] Ms. Nervous Giggles, [@FortunesFaded] Mr. Mountain Lion and his friend (Royland)[/sub] [hr] [color=9e0039]"Well, al'ight then!"[/color] she beamed up at Gera and gave him a companionable smack on the arm, [color=9e0039]"Ye ken yer growin' on me fast, that's for bloody sure!"[/color] She grinned and chuckled, eye gleaming with mischief as he added a whisper back. [color=9e0039]"Ah, yer a smarta** of a lad, aren't ye?"[/color] she grinned, putting her cigar to her lips once more, [color=9e0039]"Good, good, it make ye far more tolerable."[/color] [color=9e0039]"The ship? Oh, aye, she's lovely, she is,"[/color] she grinned a bit softer, [color=9e0039]"Young thing is bound to kick up a good bit o' star dust. we've just gotta take care of her and push her to her limits nice and gentle. I gotta feelin' she'll be a good tough ship to work with."[/color] She puffed out a ring of mist and looked about the group again, noticing the wary and mistrustful looks she was earning. D*mn yuppies, glaring at her. They'd see why she was chosen for this job and then they could swallow back all that poison pouring from their eyes. Even the Doc and Ms. Nervous Giggles were looking at her sideways. Now she could understand the scientists and gun-toters, but et tu Doctor Metal? Ah, such an unscrupulous lot they all were. Well, her included. The pilot grinned like a wolf, but that smile faltered a bit with the look on the Mountain Lion's friend's face. Concern and worry were two things she hated seeing on rough and rumble types. And if their friends were worried, that also made her worry. And she hated worrying. Gave people wrinkles. Taking a long deep drag of her cigar, she blew out mist from the corner of her mouth without ceremony. But then Miroa caught a less than favorable glare from a solider looking Bulldog. Or was it the other way around? She could [i]never [/i]tell with hired guns and military hounds. Glaring at her. Honestly. Smirking at him and giving him a spiteful wink, she chuckled to herself, bringing her cigar up to her lips for another scentless puff. Ugh, but creepy molly baby doll was really getting under her skin. Horror girl really knew how to set someone on edge. And she hardly made any sense, like a victorian novel without any punctuation or capitalization. Oh, getting bored, was she? Something about this girl irritated her immensely. She frowned deeply, narrowing her usually gleaming eyes. [color=9e0039]"Then maybe ye should sit back down and practice how to tie yer shoes,"[/color] she grumbled, [color=9e0039]"Have ye seen the ship? She'll be purring like a kitten when we get the orders ta leave. Till then, hands to yerself. I donna want no one breakin' my beauty before she even gets up in the sky!" [/color] Right and proper irritating, this one. No she didn't like the mechanic at all. She made no sense and acted as if someone had laced her crazy pills with three shots of expresso. [color=9e0039]"Ye canna fix what's not broken,"[/color] she bit out, before turning to look at the Mountain Lion himself, [color=9e0039]"But I hope we are gonna get it started soon? Longer we have this tea party, longer it'll be for us to get to where we need'ta be goin'."[/color] [/center]