[b]DONOVAN HORSKA[/b] Someone needed to tell these magic folk that there was absolutely nothing wrong with a plain old PA system. A PowerPoint or some pamphlets would have worked. Hell, a piece of paper rolled into a cone would have been more preferable than this Jasper guy’s bullshit. At first, Donovan was too distracted by the weird guy running at him with his fist raised to notice the shadows falling over the students. To run like that with your hands up, was that a magical thing or a foreigner thing? Before he could give it any more thought, alarmed shouts from the rest of the teens snapped his attention to the smoky doves that were attacking the new student body. Donovan fucking sprinted. God, that was a smart plan. Literally smoke out a considerable number of growing magic users and wipe them out. He knew that magic was detested but he didn’t think that people would stoop as low as gassing children. Nonetheless, he too was caught in the smoke. With the smoke invading all his orifices, Donovan could only scrunch his face in anger as the guy called Jasper addressed them all with such a lackadaisical manner. Plus, he just straight up admitted that he poisoned them! What an asshole. When the transmission ended he was left coughing his lungs out, heaving out on the lawn. Donovan hated feeling powerless. Yet he had just been poisoned and the only thing he could do now was follow this Varus dude who had just shown up. Seriously, who still said ‘capiche’ in this day and age? Reluctantly, Donovan followed the instructor, but not before spitting onto the grass as a sign of rebellion to get rid of the acrid smoke taste still in his mouth. As he walked, he considered Varus’ ominous warning of the first trial and expulsion. Donovan couldn’t say that he was worried. He had yet to meet a situation he couldn’t weasel his way out of. But he still had to take into consideration the fact that his power wasn’t exactly practical, combat-wise. If he could talk down an opponent for a few minutes he’d be fine. But these were the kinds of people who could turn into panthers and disable powers. One wrong move and he’d be flat on the ground again. So the next course of action was to find allies. Strength in numbers and all that. It was common sense, gathering people to cover his own weaknesses (not that he had many). Confidence grew when people were in packs. His high school days with the lads were a testament to that. So he looked around. The language barrier seemed to be removed though Donovan still couldn’t find anyone he wanted to give a shit about. Meanwhile, Glasses seemed to be gathering his own little clique, which included the weird running fist guy before. The latter seemed to be weirdly attached to Glasses. Donovan didn’t give it further thought. Some cute girls seemed to be a part of that little friendship circle too, but they didn’t seem anything spectacular. Overall, just a bunch of goody-two-shoes and average folk. Donovan was too good for those nerds. He nodded to himself. Yep, he was too good, that’s all it was. And the fact that Glasses had already gathered a little team for the first trial didn’t bother him at all. Not. At. All. Fuck it. Donovan looked around again, this time with much more vigour. As he meandered through the crowd, Donovan smelt smoke. It immediately brought back unpleasant memories from just moments before. He located the source, which turned out to be a dude in semi-formal clothing smoking a cig. Donovan was going to question that guy’s fashion choice but stopped himself when he realised that this guy’s clothing was nowhere near as weird as the other stuff he had seen today. But he was seriously smoking after Jasper’s little trip? Now that was an interesting bloke. Donovan went up to approach the smoker but was beaten to it by an African looking guy. "Yo...you have that trippy hippy smoke magic shit that make you hallucinate like my uncles super chron plant too?" He couldn’t help but laugh. It was more out of surprise than any desire to mock, something that didn’t happen often with Don. This guy seemed fun too. He strolled up and addressed both of them. [color=f26522]“You seriously still want a trip after what that asshole just did to us?”[/color] Donovan asked with a casual smirk. [@King Tai][@hagroden]