[center] [h1][color=lightcoral]arιa delaney[/color][/h1] [img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Female%20Characters/giphy%201_zpslloygntp.gif[/img] [url=http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/10296975_302755246550752_2104036765_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=NzIyNjA1OTM5NTg5MTc3NjEx.2]oυтғιт[/url] [color=lightcoral]locaтιon:[/color] Homeroom [color=lightcoral]ιnтeracтιonѕ:[/color] Clyde [@KlayKid] || Oberon [@LovelyAnastasia] || Ebony [@mskennedy615] [color=lightcoral]мenтιonѕ:[/color] Derek [@alexfangtalon] || Jacob [@smarty0114] [img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Post%20Banners/Dividers/5352317_origina_zpsht9etyxp.png[/img][/center] [b][color=#F39C12]“I m-mean... I'll be alright. My friend is gone so it feels lonely is all. But... thanks... you know, for your concern. I truly appreciate it.”[/color][/b] Clyde had smiled but as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. Aria attempted a genuine half-smile back at him, knowing full well what it was like to lose friends to a move. [color=#F39C12][b]“So... have any ideas about that, uh, project?”[/b][/color] During this time, Aria watched as Derek walked down the isle between hers and Clyde's seats, delivering some folded up piece of paper while staring over Aria's head at Oberon. The look alone made Aria slightly uncomfortable, but only in a way that she assumed the kid was staring at Oberon because of his differences with the rest of the class. The one goth kid among the masses. Tall, dark and brooding, himself. Aria shrugged off the encounter and turned her attention back to Clyde to respond to his question. [color=lightcoral][b]"Actually, I do. I previously did a volcano project at my middle school in the district next door for my 7th grade year. Got a B+ on it. Shouldn't be too hard to re-do."[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][b]"I apologize deeply if I offended you tender sensibilities, miss, but I am... itching to be done with this entire experience,"[/b][/color] Aria glanced down at nothing in particular, her eyes widening slightly as if saying, [i]'Lord help me.'[/i] Turning halfway to face Oberon again, she listened intently to his rant, even though it was pretty pointless. He wanted nothing to do with the group, but wanted to be sure each person was to do their job on account they would all get a passing grade for their group efforts, willingly or not. She saw his gaze fall behind her a couple seats and she knew who he'd been staring at, not particularly caring to follow said gaze. She kept her eyes forward, hearing Oberon specifically call her attention, causing her to come back into focus. [color=darkgray][b]Tell me, miss, are you willing to protect our little science project at your place? I hear you are good at that sort of thing."[/b][/color] Before she could respond, someone else piped into the conversation. A voice she'd not personally heard much from since school started. [color=#A04000][b]"While I do agree that this project is a bit... childish, I do think we can still have a lil' bit of fun with it."[/b][/color] Aria turned to meet the eyes of Ebony. She'd seen the girl a few times outside of the classrooms, seemed to be a pretty chill chick. Aria had no qualms with working alongside her. [color=#A04000][b]"Construction can be my job, I guess.. with a bit of help, of course. We can make it unique; something more creative than your average second-grade volcano project... I can even keep it at my house, if Aria can't, or doesn't want to."[/b][/color] Her gaze then turned on Clyde. [color=#A04000][b]"So yeah, we should most def' exchange numbers."[/b][/color] [i]Mental groan.[/i] This was the one thing Aria was trying to avoid, at least for some people, anyway. However, Aria nodded in agreement and played it off like a true sport, writing down her name and number several times on a piece of paper. She began ripping out individual sets as she spoke to Ebony. [color=lightcoral][b]"I've got some experience with making these.. atrocities. It matters little to me who houses the construction part of this project.. but if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to help with that."[/b][/color] She smiled towards Ebony as she handed her one of the paper shreds with her number on it, then giving each of her other project-mates one as well. Even tossing Jacob a crumpled up piece of paper, hitting him square in the forehead, but her number was not written on this paper. They hadn't exchanged so much as a word since finding out they had the same class together, and Aria planned to keep it that way, she just couldn't resist. She quickly turned away with an evil little smirk on her face, her shoulders hunched over slightly as if she was waiting for the blow-back. [quote=Aria]yeaн, ι don'т тнιnĸ ѕo. 'Cause baby now we got bad blood now we got problems And I don't think we can solve them :b[/quote] [center][img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Post%20Banners/Dividers/5352317_origina_zpsht9etyxp.png[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] [center][h1][color=#F5B041]qυιnтen rυмanceĸ[/color][/h1] [img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Male%20Characters/Quinten%20Rumancek%20GIFs/giphy_zpsojfekamu.gif[/img] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/43/a5/1e/43a51e695bc92a17af7e540b722efa27.jpg]oυтғιт[/url] [color=#F5B041]locaтιon:[/color] Homeroom [color=#F5B041]ιnтeracтιonѕ:[/color] Poetry [@LovelyAnastasia] || Lily [@smarty0114] [color=#F5B041]мenтιonѕ:[/color] Nathan [@MechonRaptor] || Nicoletta [@Fabricant451] || Ezera [@King Tai] [img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Post%20Banners/Dividers/Untitleduh_zpslhivcmlw.png[/img][/center] With his friend now occupied, Quinten held his guitar up above the ground as he picked himself up off the floor, dusting off his arse before turning to walk back towards his seat. Not so fast. As he went to walk down the isle he sat in, a blonde girl came walking down the very isle, blocking his path. Quinten raised an eyebrow as he looked her over, then realizing who she was. Poetry. Poetry Sundance. One of his project companions. Besides himself, that left Nathaniel Anderson, Nicoletta Soriano, Ezera Porter, and Lily for their group. [color=pink][b]"Group Five, get hip to this jive. On this project you'd think you flew. Keep up with me and maybe you're grades will stay alive."[/b][/color] There was a few moments pause, but she continued her speech. [color=pink][b]"Catch it, I already pulled books from the library on two of [i]the[/i] most slammin' lava-shooters."[/b][/color] Quinten tenderly took the paper from Poetry, skimming over what it had written in ink as she handed copies out to the rest of their group. [color=pink][b]"Pompeii or Mt. Fuji,"[/b][/color] Quinten noticed her smile seemed to reach from ear to ear, half wondering if she was just genuinely this peppy or if she was one of those who liked to hide a fractured spirit behind a beautiful smile. He made a mental note to maybe ask her on another day, when they might know each other a bit better. Quinten seemed to always fall for the girls with troubled pasts. [color=pink][b]"Both are listed, twisted, and totally rung out of all the info available in our library in the outline I drew up. History is somethin' pretty ace wit' me, so I got my wheels spinnin' on day two. Anyway, it's not like I had much to do."[/b][/color] Quinten was busy reading over the paper still as she spoke, but once he realized she'd stopped talking, he glanced up and mentally jumped. She was staring right at him with a particular look about her, causing Quinten to raise an eyebrow at such a peculiar stare. Clearing his throat nervously, finding it hard to put together a simple sentence, thankful Lily had taken the opportunity to speak up. [color=lightgreen][b]"I'll help build the volcano! Make it look all pretty! We can totally use my place as a home base too,"[/b][/color] Quinten nodded with agreement. [color=#F5B041][b]"Sounds like a plan to me. Since Poetry already has quite a bit of the research done already, I'll hop in on construction too, if that's cool? I researched how to build these things. I've actually got a lot of the materials at home. I could bring them to Jake and Caleb's house tonight so you could take it home with you, Lily, so you have it at your place, if you'd like?"[/b][/color] [center][img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Post%20Banners/Dividers/Untitleduh_zpslhivcmlw.png[/img][/center]