Down the street rolled a truck with seeming no driver inside of it, this truck came to a stop and more than a soft crunch into a fortified building. At first there was a spray of gunfire to kill anyone in the cab, then came the curiosity as a solider was sent to investigate. "Seine Voller essen...helfen Sie mir, es nach innen erhalten." Soon two more joined in, looting the truck as a commander oversaw the operation from his bay window with assault rifle locked and ready. *PLAT*-"Scharfschütze!"" The neonate called out as the shot from an apartment took out a commander on the second floor. Curiosity lured them out for the trap before they used the truck itself as cover from the sniper. [h1]*BOOM*[/h1] The truck exploded from the block of home-made c-4 under the gas peddle. Chaos ensued as the sniper watched from is perch, studying how they responded before the biggest human he had seen in days picked up the heavy machine gun with one hand and painted the appartment in pellets. There was a groan then a crash as he fell through the floor to the second story then again to the lobby. As the soliders closed in to confirm their kill, they were surprised only for a moment as the corpse they filled with holes was one of their own. Then he exploded as well, taking out a few more as well as the rest of the building collapsed. From the alley stepped out an [url=]amalgamation[/url] of new old and older. He kneeled with his shield for cover and to steady his aim as he set the rifle on a niche and hip fired a round into the big burly brute's brain-pan. Four more shots that a sniper would swear by thinned the herd until a tossed grenaded forced a change of methods. The explosive was knocked wide by the shield but exposed his belly as another opened full auto into his chest. The impact alone set him on his ass as he changed grip on the rifle and threw it like a spear into one of the soldiers legs. "Missed, damn." As the first solider tried to get the serrated spear out of the others leg, the gladiator slowly stood and drew his gladius. The first solider ran. "If you stay really still, I won't kill you." With sword and shield, the warrior picked around at the bodies for some supplies for his pouches and took a few belts. To his word, the maimed trooper stayed still and was rewarded with a first-aid kit tossed on his chest. Frantically the solider started to bind his leg and-*BLAM* "Told him to stay still..." Soon there was fire and tornadoes and explosions. The conflict called to him like a siren to a sailor so who was he to say no. He rounded the corner to see many on one, but only one was clearly on the other side. For now, he watched. he watched and observed, taking in the fight and how everyone acted, absorbing the experience of the metahuman conflict.