[quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] And here is the finished, stylized product, [@Carantathraiel]. [hider=Contains a Content Sabertooth Cat][img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/e83f/th/pre/i/2016/277/6/a/content_by_argentfatalis-dajwu2f.jpg[/img][/hider] ... a member of [i]Smilodon populator[/i] specifically, but I am certain you get the idea. It's a big cat with big teeth. [/quote] Who is the artist? [quote=@BrokenPromise] Chocolate rain? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTZ2xpQwpA [/quote] I knew a girl in Japan who was obsessed with that song XD