[h1][center][color=0054a6]UPDATE[/color][/center][/h1] At 1600, most of the crew is in the mess area. Several others come in a little later, but that's alright. The crew is waiting around, most people are sitting, most people are standing. Several people wonder what the Captain is going to say, others are eager to learn when the ship leaves port. After another few minutes, the Captain comes racing in, almost like she had ran to the mess. She had to take a moment to catch her breath. [hr][hr] [h1][center][color=fff200]Captain Tetra McCoy[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Mess[/center][hr] She had to catch her breath, she had almost had been late to a meeting that she had called, and that would have been strange.[color=fff200] "Sorry about that folks, I was looking at something and lost track of time,"[/color] she said with a smile and went back to standing completely upright. She looked around at the group of people, making note that a few Engineers were missing, but she understood that. She knew that the Chief Engineer was probably overseeing the last of the work from the yard, and grabbed a few others to help her out. The door opened up again, and in came a young Andorian, who quickly went in with the rest of the crew. She had to work hard not to giggle, but managed to stay still. [color=fff200]"Alright then, pretty sure this is everyone that we are going to have with us right now. As I have said before, I am Captain Tetra McCoy, and welcome aboard the USS Tricyion. This is the newest ship in the fleet, and everyone here was lucky enough to be placed as a crewman aboard it. Now, I personally do not know most everyone here, and something tells me that it is the same for at least most of you. We are not scheduled to leave port until 1800, so there is an hour of time that can be used up for other things, before we have to get ready to leave. I ask that you try and get to know your fellow crewmen, since you never know when you might need them for something. I hope that in time that we can learn to trust one another, and be the best that we can be. Thank you".[/color] She smiled at the crew, and walked over to someone she did recognize, her XO. Truthfully, she knew that generally most Captains knew their second in command well before they left port. Their meeting, having been thrown together, was a little shaky. She needed to get to know him though. [color=fff200]"Hey there. Ready to take off in one of the newest ships ever?"[/color] she asked, giving him a smile.