"[color=dodgerblue]The entrance was more difficult than you remembered, the inn you promised us is nowhere to be found. I know drink is your mistress my friend, but perhaps this is a sign to love it a little less.[/color]" Hyōryū's tone gave no betrayal of whether he was being playful or critical, and the man had made no effort to dry himself since emerging from the creek. The wind would dry him in it's own time, after all. While he hadn't personally experienced the ape's love for drink first hand, he had caught more than a glimpse during their time together. Time in their cell together had passed over conversations of Sake. What region produced the best, was it better served to be drank in a bar or watching a distant sunset, was quality more important than quantity at the end of the day? The two always found wildly different answers to those questions, but it was clear both had a fondness for drink. Hyōryū, for one, was sick of being dry, metaphorically speaking. Moreso even than he was sick of being chased, the longing for a drink was at that moment stronger than his longing for a bed. Taking a moment to lean on his walking stick, the man closed his eyes and focused on the smells of Nezumi. Almost immediately he was hit by the overwhelming stench of the place. It was a strange mix of garbage, opium, Human waste, and death. If it was not the worst experience his nose ever had, then it was a close contender. Still, behind behind it all was the smell of yakitori, carried on a breeze from the north. It was like stumbling across life in a barren wasteland. Almost of their own volition his feet began to carry him forward away away from the group. "[color=dodgerblue]Follow if you want, the wind is guiding me. If it guides you in a different direction, let's meet back up at the entrance, eh?[/color]" Without looking back at the group Hyōryū slung his massive staff across his shoulders once more and began making his way north through the streets. From his lips a listless whistle cut through the night air, his anticipation growing with each step. He didn't expect to find liquid gold in a what looked to be the slums of Nezumi, itself a massive slum practically, but he didn't have much of a mind to be picky right then either. Once he had found a drink in a bed, [i]then[/i] perhaps he could concern himself with luxury. More important than that though, he could concern himself with putting this village as far behind him as possible.