[h1]Charmeine, expositing within the fluffiest room ever[/h1] "I know. I'll get things started," Charmeine replied to Juno-Seto, and quickly returned to flicking her fingers through the air before her, facing the large monitor. Judging by the constant motion of images and rapidly-forming text, the young girl was calling up as much information as possible. "Okay... looks like these places are called Nanimori and Midchilda," Charmeine muttered, "the former's a small town with a bunch of strong fighters, and the latter's like a hub for mages. That's a bold first move..." Her movements paused momentarily at Harry's suggestion of focusing on only one world. Her expression was unseen, biting at her lip with worry. Maybe from a pragmatic standpoint, overpowering Zuriel's allies in one world would let them defend one world... but for every world they ignored, that was essentially a free world core, and with one already in her possession, such a tactic was probably doomed from the start... Hearing Saber's question, Charmeine shook her head and quickly started 'typing' once more. A few moments later, when the panel in the middle of the room started to glow, she finally answered the knight, "about that... it's possible to temporarily 'lock' the cores." Turning to address the group once more, she continued, "if we can reach the core first, we can use it to eject... I guess 'foreigners' from the world, us included. No one from outside of that world can get back in for a while after that, so we won' have to keep an eye on it!" During her explanation, the panel growed brighter, a soft, orange glow emanating from the panel, "okay, let's split into two teams! First group will head to that Nanimori place, and the others will go to Midchilda, okay?" ---------------------- [h1]Gilgamesh, entering Hitmanland[/h1] Alongside the others that chose to visit the world of Hitmen, Gilgamesh walked through the portal. Compared to his usual method of traveling between worlds, this wasn't all that unpleasant. It helped he wasn't getting sucked in one end and unceremoniously dropped out the other. This was definitely a step up. As for this place in which the invading group had entered, it was... different. Gilgamesh wasn't sure how to describe the town they appeared to have entered, though some may recognise it as looking like a typical, modern Japanese town. The theatrical warrior looked around, noting the biggest building that stood before them - a url=http://imgur.com/hGNWLov]place of education[/url] quite unlike anything Gilgamesh had seen before. As such, he didn't identify as anything but a stronghold, and faced the group, rubbing his hands together with excitement. "Okay guys, before we start looking, I think we should discuss how to distribute loot! If there's any fancy swords, I'm calling dibs!" Come to think of it... how exactly where they to find the cores? That girl with the awesome sword hadn't mentioned that, did she? ...Well, whatever. Gilgamesh was a top-class treasure hunter! He had confidence in his ability to locate rare treasures. Right now, the group's more immediate concern was probably how... noticeable they were. There wasn't anyone in sight at the moment, but who knew how much attention they'd get if even one random bystander took notice of them? ---------------------- [h1]Yuuka, entering Magitopia[/h1] "The pleasure's all mine," Yuuka replied cheerily. She seemed unfazed at this person's name was... well, more of a title than anything. Probably because Yuuka herself had obtained many titles, almost all of which made reference to her top-notch ability to mentally scar humans... and the nostlagic feeling that accompanied such titles would indicate just how long it had been since she was first assigned such things. "Perhaps I'll accompany you," Yuuka continued, "a world of magic would suit my nature more~" Following after the Anguished One and Alice, Yuuka paused at the portal to address Zuriel, facing her with a polite smile. After a small bow, she said, "Rest assured, we shall obtain these cores you seek~ Barring any intereference from powerful local forces, or travelling do-gooders~" Chuckling, Yuuka stepped through the portal.