[hr] [color=ed1c24][H1]Gabanre[/h1][/color] [hr] interacting with: [@rivaan][@Nallore][@Zhaliora] Just when Gabanre bowed before the ladies, he felt a little tick on his head. As Valencia taped him on the head. Gabanre reacted with: [color=ed1c24]"Is this how you meet people in Red Lake, In the Netherlands we tend to be polite, but that is not allowed here?"[/color] As you heared some confussion in his voice. It was at that point a woman came in, which he did not know aswell. As Riley whispered something in her ear, He could not stop noticing that the atmoshpere here did change a little. He thought about socializing with the new girl and ths he walked yup to her and said: [color=ed1c24]"Hi nice to meet you, I am Gabanre van Houten and I just got here from the Netherlands."You look like a smart person"[/color] Then He walked up to Riley and said to her: [color=ed1c24]"Riley, do you need help with the RV? Also do you have any sporters around here, I would love to spar with someone."[/color]Implying that he would go with them on a trip. When He noticed Riley's Dad walking up to the place he had his breakfast, he did a backflip landing on his feet, took out his wallet and paid the man. He also asked if he needed help with something. After that he stepped back and said: [color=ed1c24]"Excuse me for that little break, Also I had a little to much energy."[/color]