[h2]Zuriel[/h2] A newcomer she had somehow missed, in spite of his hulking, armored frame, had spoken up as well. He certainly looked powerful... Zuriel grinned widely. "I'm so happy to have you," she said, her expression wild with excitement. Soon, soon they'd have another core! She could hardly contain her excitement at the prospect. She'd be that much closer to creating a true paradise... "Pick whichever world you want, split yourself up as evenly as you can and go!" Some had already done just that... "I need to keep this core in my possession, so I'll be staying here for now." [hr] [h2]Saber, King Arthur Herself[/h2] Saber nodded, firmly. That was that. Regardless of what others said, there was no way they could simply sacrifice one of the worlds like that. They would protect both worlds, they had to. After a few moments of silence, mulling over which world she would proceed to, the blonde girl nodded to herself. She would proceed to the world that was apparently tied to assassins. While stealth was certainly not her strongsuit, she could perhaps defend if any assassins chose to attack. She snapped her right hand to her side, and a hazy shape formed within it, seemingly something long but impossible to identify. A weapon, perhaps? Of course, Saber was well aware of what was clasped in her hand, and blue light flowed up her body, seeming to blast her clothing away and instantly replace it with a blue dress and fine suit of armor. She did briefly notice the person dripping with blood... but as strange as that was they needed to get moving. With that, she proceeded to the strange tile, and stepped onto it. [hr] [h2]Saber, Nanamori[/h2] Saber hadn't known what to expect when she stepped onto the tile. And yet, well... here she was, fully armored... and not too far outside of what appeared to be a high school. But she reminded herself, quickly, of their purpose. They had to collect these rings, and keep this world from fading away by locking the core. But where could they start...? [hr] [h2]Tachibana Hibiki, Holding Determination in Her Fist[/h2] Hibiki clutched her fist in the air. So this was it, huh? They had to protect a world and keep it safe! They'd be kicked out for a while, sure... but that was way better for the world then the alternative, and it was only temporary! The path was straight and direct, right to the point, and right ahead of her! "I'm going to the place with the mages!" she declared, before dashing for the tile. The moment her foot hit it... [hr] [h2]Tachibana Hibiki, Mid-Childa[/h2] Hibiki's foot hit the ground, and she swiftly looked around. The location they had been taken to was... a field? Yes, it was a field, flowing green grasses all around... Though wait, was that a city in the distance? It looked like it, she could see skyscrapers! Where were they, though...? Glancing around, the teenaged girl noticed something else. There was some kind of site, off in the distance... there was a mountain range, and it looked like a lot of equipment around it. Were they digging something up over there? It kind of looked like it... And as she looked up, her eyes widened when the sleek, silvery shape of a ship, followed by... by flying people?! Yes, it was definitely a set of people, flying along after the ship, as it headed for the thing that looked like a dig site... [hr] Meanwhile, Zuriel's agents would find themselves in a similar situation, distant from what looked like an excavation site... and glimpsing some kind of ship moving across the sky some distance away as well.