Carmen tilted her head slightly to the side. Did the woman really not know about the quarantine cities? Though she was a ways out, it should have been hard to miss. Hell, patrols frequented the outside perimeters, scavenging for anything that could be usable. Surely she would have crossed their sectors? Maybe she'd just arrived Carmen thought to herself. Judging from her answer, she probably didn't come from another city. How had she survived? "Yes," Carmen said. Damn how the blonde looked tired and malnourished. In another life, she must have been beautiful. Now, with cosmetics and make up all gone, a new standard of beauty had been adopted. Reaching into her bag, Carmen pulled out a can of chicken noodle soup. A treat she'd been saving for herself. She got up and walked to the table the survivor stood at. "Probably the last can of those I'll find in a while. Enjoy it." Stepping back, Carmen crossed her arms as a chill seeped through the building's cracks. She shuddered. "Must have been hard," Carmen said. She wanted to return a smile, but such gestures were hard to do these days. There weren't too many things to smile about. "I'm Carmen. A guard at East-QC 24. Might be easier to go by names, if you don't mind trusting a complete stranger with it. In the morning, I plan to make my way back there. You're free to tag along, if you want to."