[@13org] ...you are not wrong about Wootz steel existing in real life. Shame on me for not factchecking. I will say, however, that Wootz steel actually contains various metal [i]carbides,[/i] not carbon nanotubes in particular, and that the process has not only been replicated many times as of 2016 and even before the 21st century, but would likely have been improved upon through use of magic and/or modern technology as of 2041. Hell, maybe swords made of or containing carbon nanotubes [i]do[/i] exist as of then. That said, everything else I brought up does apply, and I highly encourage you to change the style in which you write your characters to avoid future disappointment. [@Banana] Solaris has a few hangups with your sheet that he'll go over in detail with you later on. Generally speaking, though, the mechanics of helicopter tentacles make it simpler to just give Octo a jetpack, and there's no good reason at the moment why the scientists would let him go after having experimented on him to achieve those results, especially if the time he was released was during or shortly after the Uprising/Insurrection, when soldiers were most needed on both sides.