[center][h2][color=thistle]Princess Sade Magoro of Udawen[/color][/h2] [URL=http://s1150.photobucket.com/user/Mskennedy615/media/9be1b349-b038-463d-bf77-1fd0eb5cf5b3_zpsreiwne5e.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o601/Mskennedy615/9be1b349-b038-463d-bf77-1fd0eb5cf5b3_zpsreiwne5e.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [hr] [sub][center][i]Interacting with Caterina ([@HaleyTheRandom]) and Shawn ([@Neno 1445])[/i][/center][/sub] [hr] Sade carefully walked through the large double doors into the main room; her eyes fixated on her four inch, open-toed heels. Her mother had made her walk around their entire home in them for hours just a few days before, wanting to be absolutely sure that she'd be ready for this day. After all, she'd had very little experience walking in any heel over two inches tall, and it would be [i]very[/i] embarrassing if she'd somehow manage to take a spill and make a fool of herself. Once she cleared any stairs, however, she knew that she would be perfectly fine. When Sade finally lifted her gaze, she let out a deep sigh as the tense expression left her face and her usual radiant glow returned. Taking a quick look around the room, she saw that she wasn't the first royal to arrive, nor was she one of the last. Her eyes first fell upon Princess Ariel, who was walking in at about the same time as herself. She looked beautiful, as usual, in her all black attire. Apparently the princess had spotted her as well, because she gave Sade a small wave. A grin found its way to her lips as she returned the wave, and then continued her walk around the room. [color=thistle][i]"Shoulders back, head high. Think elegant, think graceful. You are a swan."[/i][/color] Her mother's words played on a continuous loop in her head as she made her way towards the table of sweets. [color=thistle][i]"You must have an air of grace and elegance, Sade- what did I say about hunching your shoulders? You're a princess, for God's sake, act like one!"[/i][/color] Finally reaching the table, Sade picked up a piece of chocolate and popped it into her mouth. The moment the sweet, bitter candy touched her tongue, her nerves subsided, and she forced herself to relax. She helped herself to a few more as she studied the other royals that occupied the room; she tried her best to recall their names. First spotted was Elizaveta, who'd been there before she arrived. Sade had heard much about her Kingdom, and was very much looking forward to meeting the elegant princess. Next came Mai, who was wearing a beautifully made, crimson colored dress. Her makeup and hair, as usual, was done to perfection; she couldn't help but stare in awe. Next, her eyes fell upon Isobel, whose bright pink hair made her stand out from the rest. Initially, Sade had not been a fan of the girl's odd hair color, but now she'd grown to love it. Walking away from the treat table, Sade called off the names of the Princes and Princesses that she passed in her head. [color=thistle][i]"Henry.. Zhou.. Cara.. Feora.. Nikolai.. John.. Liviana...."[/i][/color] By the time she'd made it to the other side of the room, she was confident that she'd identified all of the royals that were in the room. Taking a deep breath once more, Sade stood near one of the walls, subtly leaning against it to ease the ache that was starting to spread from her toes to the inner arches of her feet, as she observed once more. She immediately straightened up, however, when she noticed two figures approaching from the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she instantly recognized them as Princess Caterina, of Svearike, and Prince Shawn, of Avalon. They approached at a comfortable pace, Caterina's hand wrapped around his arm. Shawn was the first to speak when they reached her. "Greetings," he started off. "I'm Shawn Hunter of Avalon, and this is my bethrothed, Caterina Frenandaz Versini Of Svearike. It is a pleasure to meet you," he said as he extended his hand. Noticing the brief expression on the young woman's face, Sade let out a short laugh before shaking Shawn's hand, her smile brightening up her face. Caterina smiled as well before extending her hand, which Sade shook as well. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Caterina had said, "I have been ecstatic to approach you." [color=thistle]"I am Princess Sade Magoro, of Udawen. [i]Ni furaha mkutano wewe[/i],"[/color] she said, [color=thistle]"It is a pleasure to meet you both. You two make a very beautiful couple."[/color] Sade took another quick look around before continuing on. [color=thistle]"I have been excited to meet you, too, as I've heard many great things about the both of you. Your Kingdoms as well."[/color] Slowly but surely, Sade started to feel more comfortable, her nerves disappearing entirely.