Things had been.... different lately. A sense of growing unease among all parties, in Isaiah's eyes. It seemed like civilians were edgier, and for good reason. As the resistance grew bolder and bolder, the Regime would logically start to crack down on freedoms, as any fascist system tended to do. Isaiah had started to become more reliant on scouting ahead of time, and his supply runs had grown increasingly dangerous as well. "I need a partner..." He grumbled to himself, knowing that a second pair of eyes would make things so much easier. Life for Isaiah had not been easy. Born to a poor family, he was pushed into a near slavery, working long hours as early as he was able, until he was exhausted. But Isaiah had always been good at escaping and hiding, and that was just as true when he was a child. He avoided work whenever possible, and poor record keeping meant he wasn't always missed. This was how he developed his skill for avoiding eyes, something he practices almost every day, and has for as long as he can remember. It was too bad that his home had been wiped out, but now... nothing would prevent him for doing anything he could to sabotage Regime efforts to crush the resistance. Isaiah was in the forests, somewhere not too far from Jackson. A vigilant eye out, the young man had been tracking a hunter, one of the Regime who searched out wild pokemon and captured them for use later. But some hours earlier, Isaiah had lost the trail, and without a pokemon to help him track the man, Isaiah was lost. He hadn't been trained to follow the signs, and while logic had gotten him far, he was unable to find any more hints. Not one to give up, Isaiah had continued to push towards Jackson, not knowing the man was ahead of him.