[h2]Sogiita Gunha[/h2] "Alright, now we're talkin'!" Gunha cheered as Charmeine gave them a two-sentence explanation on the places they were going to head off to. Handling magic was doable, if that weird guy that beat him up last time was anywhere as strong as he was told afterwards... But it seemed as if the girl who was already going there had enough guts to power through. What he needed to do here was make sure that more worlds had enough guts to go around overall, and the words ' filled with strong fighters' resonated with him. Strong fighters meant people with guts, and people with guts meant that it'd be easier to sniff out those without any! It was a flawless plan! Flawless! ...Though the name was, admittedly, a bit weird. Who named their town 'what forest', anyways? "I'm going with my gut on this one! Let's go!" he said enthusiastically before following Saber through to their location. The high school he ended up in front of was... Admittedly too damn [i]normal[/i] for his tastes. Maybe it was because of his life in Academy City, but this place could [i]seriously[/i] do with a tech upgrade. "Alright... So. I think I look fairly normal there, but, well... Regardless of how gutsy that armor and dress look, miss, you stand out like a sore thumb. Do like the transformation, though. 8 out of 10 for smoothness," he said giving his companion a thumbs-up before looking around. "...You think they're going to start blowing stuff up any time soon? It usually doesn't take long for things to start exploding in situations like these..." [h2]The Anguished One[/h2] The moment of disorientation came and passed for the Anguished One, who was far too used to such things at this point in time. With a curious expression, he looked to his side to make sure Alice had come through just as well as he had (she was fine, thankfully) before glancing around. A technologically advanced society, was it? Well, the creativity of humans never ceased to amuse him... A quick glimpse of the flying humans above immediately caught his eye, and the Anguished One let out a bit of a smile. At the very least, he could fly instead of walk now. Pleasant. "Ah... Logic dictates that we should be placed within close proximity of our goal... Which, quite honestly, would imply that any possible opposition would already be gathering at the location of importance," he said, noting that Yuuka had followed him and Alice through. Well enough, then. "I recommend we try and remain inconspicuous while scouting out the area; if we know the land, then our job should be made easier in the future. Better than fighting on unfamiliar territory, at least." With that, the Anguished One and Alice began to walk off towards the excavation site. Unless directly attacked, of course, he wouldn't retaliate. But even so... "Ticos, begin distribution of Nicaea 2.1. Refrain from installing the demon summoning application until I say so; retain the death videos and Fate system. Humans seem to like little amusements like those." [color=#0000ff]"Understood."[/color] the male Tico responded from the Anguished One's terminal. And so it began.