Jethart's head moved upwards hearing what went on between the mechanical engineer and the pilots. He sleepily got up from his chair, held his militant posture and walked over. [color=00a99d]"I think you two should ease up and respect the rest of us more. This young lady the most, I've heard your snarky remarks about us, not nice if you ask me. Marie was it? I'll stand by your side. As for you two, there is no need to treat others that way. Respect me and I'll respect you, I don't care if you are the pilots. If I'm not treated with respect I will not respect that individual."[/color] He stood there at ease, military version atleast. His eyes and focus straight in-front of him. His mind was slowly waking up, thoughts and fears coming to mind. He told himself he wouldn't let those show around others, he didn't want to be that emotionally unstable soldier. While he was, he didn't want the others to know that about himself. He was worried about what might happen and what would happen to his cousin if he didn't come back. While he did set everything up with her name on everything if he didn't come back. All of his funds and property would become hers, he wanted to make sure she'd lead onwards to a happy life. He stood in front of the pilots waiting a response. He vowed to himself not to let this young girl get hurt, he planned to keep that. Truth be told, Marie reminded him of his sister when they were younger. Eccentric, childish, interesting to be around and just her personality so far.