Heyo! I'm Frog, or Jack if that's a name you'd like to use. Anyhoo! I'm lookin' for some RP, obviously. Let's talk about that. But first, a little about myself: I'm 16 years old, but I'm told I have the soul of a grumpy old man. It's impossible to offend or upset me, so don't worry about censoring yourself around me. I can curse like a fuckin' sailor or be a good little Christian boi depending on my mood. I really like memes. I like violence. I'm told I'm an edgy dude. Oh, well. I will only RP through PM over a thread, but if you have Discord or maybe Skype, I'd love to use those. Anyhoo, let's cover some rules: [hider=Da rules] Grammar: I'm a bit of a grammar nazi. I'm not gonna bite your head off over a typo, but I ask that you at least try your best and give your post a quick proof read. That's just IC, I don't care how you type OOC. Post Length: I ask simply that you give a post as much detail as it deserves. If our characters are just chatting a few words back and worth, I've no clue how you're supposed to get that into three paragraphs without overstretching it. But on the flipside, if your character is doing some crazy cool maneuver or if it's a really intense scene, then you should put quite a bit of effort to it. Romance: I don't do romance. I'm totally down with really close, brotherly or sisterly bonds, and I'm a sucker for love/hate friendships, but no lovey dovey stuff for me. Communication: This is, without a doubt, the most important rule. You're gonna have to chat OOC. It can be about the RP, it can be about any old thing, but you've gotta be ready to be friendly. Just sayin'. This tends to be the deciding factor for whether or not I can enjoy a RP. Action: Don't expect mundane, day to day hubbub plots from me. There's gonna be explosions, violence, fighting, and crazy stuff. I don't mind some more tame scenes, but don't expect more than half of the RP to be calm stuff. [/hider] Now that that's over with, let's discuss the things I'd be down with RPing. I like to RP either high fantasy generic RPG plots with unique twists, or cyberpunk dystopias/apocalyptic stuff. I don't do fandoms, but I'm fine with taking certain inspirations from franchises and stuff. Just don't go too overboard. I'd prefer to formulate a general plot together instead of just putting down a list, so instead I'll plop down a list of universes I've spent considerable time worldbuilding. [hider=Da Frogverses] The Bloodverse: A very occult world. Temples, rivers of blood, demonic spirits, this place is mostly desolate, but humans survive in the sanctuaries of powerful eldritch entities. Very fantasy. The Darkverse: Set a few decades or so after the modern day. The world has gone completely dark. The skies are black, and light comes only from manmade sources. Humanity has responded by holing themselves into towns filled with lamps and electric lights. The Great Dark looms at every city border, drawing fools to the treasures that hide within it. Post apocalyptic. The Edenverse: Set on a wasteland planet that has been all but completely taken over by roaming Scavenger factions, a single city stands tall. Eden, the massive walking metropolis, has repelled every Scavenger attack with ease. However, the city is not as ideal as it may sound. Dark rumors about the city's founder and leader, David Solomon, circulate, and conspiracies lurk the shadows. Eden is Cyberpunk, the wastes are Deiselpunk. [/hider] So, that's about that. Send me a PM or reply to this if you're interested! And of course, what I have here is only a few suggestions. Feel free to propose your own ideas.