*Marie growled once much lower and deeper in tone as she switched Wilson into her other her hand and raised her free hand ready to slap both pilot and co-pilot across the face not caring about what this other man just said, but instead her colder heart stern and seriously expression changed into a smile as she gave them a gentle wave instead* "The name is Marie, by the way. So you two are the Pilot and Co-pilot, and you sir... I don't know who you are. And since Mr. Co just gave me a new nickname, call me Plush if you want." *Marie chuckles and raised up the hand with the two plushies* "These two beauties and Juliet and Wilson! They are very fun to talk to. Speaking of talking to... It was nice talking to you I should take my leave now since I know that the shuttle is okay. It was all I wanted to know in the first place anyways" *Marie chuckles and pats Mr. Co on the shoulder then walked away with a big smile from ear to ear then she stopped for a bit and looked back* "Oh also, twenty lashings is nothing. You are going to need to do something far more painful to punish this kid" *She said playfully in a joking manner then pointed at herself with her thumb and giggled then turned away and continued to walk giving them a gingerly wave* {Just wait, I got a few tricks up my sleeves. I'll show them who is really tougher} *Marie sits back down in her seat by her bag and set down Wilson and Juliet before looking down at her feet and noticing her shoe laces were literally untied, she smiles faintly then ties them before taking out the watch she as been working on and starts working on it trying to make the gears move* "I forgot to bring the oil!" *She said kind of loudly, mad at herself for getting something so important. Marie looked around to see how many people heard her before slumping down her seat and she sat on the ground fighting with the gears loosening and tightly the tiny screws trying to make them move even though she forgot to bring something to liberate them with so they will actually move freely and not make an annoying horrible squealing sound*