[B]Vix[/B] -- [i]To Unite All Peoples Within Our Nation...[/i] Much to her surprise, the pesky insect managed to miraculously avoid her ambush from behind, and the little Fox was so surprised that her guard was lowered momentarily long enough so that the bug rake her teeth across her neck! Gritting her teeth to silence a cry of pain, Vix leapt back away nimbly from the bug as it went after the Honedge again. Slapping her hand to the side of her neck to stem the bleeding, she heard Jaden's voice ring out to her from the diatance. Turning to face him, the sight that met her was absolutely infuriating. He was covered in blood and bruises, but it seemed at least his words had magically worked! No longer were the Marill or Nidoran after her, in fact they had even turned on their trainers! So successful was this bizarre tactic of his, that he even went to try it a second time, but not before belliwing another order. Ember, on that annoying bug once again! Surging forward, the littlenfox slinked swiftly across the ground towards her adversary, this time however, she seemed to be attacking head on! Charging forth, Vix kicked powerfully off the ground a split second bedore she would have been too close to the Skorupi's claws. As she vaulted through the air,she took a deep breath, and attempted to unleash a gout of flame upon the bug from above! Hoping of course to not only deal extensive damage to the oeat, but to also be a distraction, so that the empowered Honedge might achieve a critical hitnwith his attack! [@ Raijinslayer] [@ Shadow Daedalus] [@ Ashevelendar]