[@Shoryu Magami] I've always, admittedly, been on the shorter end myself - I'm definitely not the one who overfluffs text (content and point > sheer length and heavily detailed descriptions). The main issue's keeping the flow going and the ideas across (I am a little abstract in that I like giving broad descriptions with certain special points that stand out being the ones with detail). That said, my content always ended up longer as in that group I mentioned as I was often the one setting the scene and controlling various NPC's not part of the group's main charset. Collaborative docs were also used frequently, so stories would flow from multiple people chipping into a single document instead of everyone having separate posts. That style puts me at best in the casual section on this site. Dedication for me comes from investment - my group had years put into it, and when I'm in something and have written stuff for it, I likely won't end up leaving unless I am at a total draw AND if it's still in early stages (I have never intentionally left something I've spent big chunks of time and effort on). The issue for me is two parts - on one hand, I hate it when people drop and the story just sits there without an ending, and I do strive to battle on to the end, so to speak. On the other, I'm joining a very small amount of roleplays and writing very, very little lately in part because I'm accustomed to a project coming to an immature end. I've written easily 20k character pre-formatted nation sheets, for example, only for that roleplay to be dead in a month and 3 IC posts in on my end. I might get an initial interest, but the moment I get a trigger of "this might not work" it dies a swift death in my mind. I want to invest in something while I still have the time, but I haven't found anything I trust to survive in order to do that. One of my best roleplays was with a person with poor grammar, poor engine usage and a cheesy plot over in Cortex Roleplay on Starcraft 2. Why is it one of my favorite roleplays of all time? Because it came to a natural end. (I was thinking of being an author, but the moment I take other people out of the equation, I write a paragraph and proceed to nitpick it back to a blank document)