[hider=Odran Tarlach] [center][h3][color=sienna]Odran Tarlach, Lord of the Lost Hunt[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/fyaD2V3.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=sienna]Race:[/color][/b] The Lost - Human [b][color=sienna]Known Racial Abilities:[/color][/b] Wildshaping - both race and ability will be explained in detail in the Regiment portion. [b][color=sienna]Age:[/color][/b] 58 [b][color=sienna]Appearance:[/color][/b] A tall and lean man, Odran is a man in his prime. His posture is decidedly casual yet confident, and he sports a build of one used to travelling, combat, and hardship. His coarse, silver-gray hair is pulled into a short ponytail, and loose locks fall about his face. His tanned skin is set off by his strong features and dark brown eyes. His beard is rough, but maintained, and his mouth is often curled into a wry grimace. [b][color=sienna]Renowned Skills:[/color][/b] Though both a renowned sniper and accomplished bladesman, Odran is best known for his hunting prowess. Capable of stalking and hunting men and beast alike, Odran is a master of guerrilla warfare, and is well versed in ambush and stealth tactics. Though quite strong compared to other humans, unnaturally so, Odran gives a preference to skillful and dexterous application of force instead of pure overwhelming strength. When Wildshaping, Odran's skillset largely remains the same, though takes on a more primal nature. Instead of the blade and arrow, he uses near unnatural speed and claw for a similar, if not more savage result. [b][color=sienna]Magic:[/color][/b] Like many of the Lost Hunt, Odran is proficient with shadow magic. Shadow magic doesn't interact with the Shadow Realm as it's name may imply, but rather deals with light and illusion. Used to obscure bodies, weapons, and traps, as well as committing mind-twisting illusionary strikes, it is as versatile as it is subtle. The 'fuel' used to energize the magic of the Lost Hunt is a type of mana, warped by the ritualistic mutations the Lost Hunt has gone through. Like many, mana is restored to the body through the passage of time, but unlike others, the mana of the Lost Hunt is restored through an invisible miasma borne from moonlight. During the night, they can use their magical abilities with near impunity, however during the day, their stores of mana rapidly depletes. [hider=Wildshape][img]http://i.imgur.com/k8Q63bA.jpg[/img][/hider] Odran's most notable ability is his ability to shift into a more primal form, known to the Lost Hunt as 'Wildshaping'. Generally agreed to be the 'true form' of the men and women of the Lost Hunt, those that wildshape take on a more powerful and bestial appearance, often times with features of many notable apex predators. Odran's form is that of a bipedal monster, with powerful limbs capable of tearing a man in half, and hide and fur thick enough to resist mundane blades and arrows. Like his shadow magic, Odran's wildshape is limited by his stores of mana, and while he may adopt this form near constantly under the gaze of the full moon, during the day his time in this form is considerably more limited. [b][color=sienna]Weapons:[/color][/b] Odran's primary tools of the trade are his bow and blade- his bow a carefully crafted recurve bow made from Ironwood, a rare wood with the flexibility of wood, but strength of steel; and his sword, a mundane, but well made blade of steel with a dull finish to keep it from reflecting light. [b][color=sienna]Armour:[/color][/b] To protect himself, Odran wears a combination of thick cloth, tough leather, and chainmail. The metal components of his armor are kept small, and cushioned between layers of cloth and leather to increase protection without creating unnecessary noise. He is also occasionally seen wearing the pelt coats of unnatural primal beasts. [b][color=sienna]Steed:[/color][/b] The Lost Hunt only rarely ride steeds into battle, and these beasts of burden are often only used as transport and often change as the Lost Hunt will abandon or purchase new mounts as their needs arise. Odran's current mount is a brown courser of calm temperament. [b][color=sienna]Bio:[/color][/b] Though Odran has no recollection of his childhood, he was born the 5th child to a poor family of merchants. Despite their poverty, the family could still afford a rudimentary education for their children, and Odran and his siblings lived a sparse, but learned childhood, becoming familiar with numbers, letters, and interacting with others. During a particularly harsh market season, Odran's family was attacked by a band of raiders, his parents and oldest brother killed, and sisters kidnapped to be raped, killed, or sold. Odran was left abandoned in the wreckage of his family's caravan, left to die to the elements and predators in the forest. However, no death came for Odran. Instead, the Lost Hunt found the abandoned child first, and took him as their own. Odran spent the next decade being raised by the caretakers of the Lost Hunt, learning their lifestyle, and adapting to their culture. He learned to prowl, stalk, hunt, shoot, and fight. Odran showed considerable promise to the members of the Lost, adapting to his new lifestyle quite readily, and excelling as well. There were other children his age, all orphans like himself. The children were often pitted against one another, competing for the favor of their elders. When Odran turned 18, he and the rest of the children who had turned 18 were taking deep into ancient gathering grounds of the Lost Hunt, the Bloodground where they underwent the Trials of the Lost to prove their worth to the Hunt. This gathering ground was twisted by strange arcane mists, its origins lost to time, understood by none- not even the by the Lost Hunt themselves. In these grounds, the children underwent an arcane mutation, the mists changing the very fiber of their being and forcing their evolution into their true form. Unnatural, arcane beasts were then released into the hunting grounds upon the young, and the newly transformed forced to fight for their lives. Some reacted poorly to their mutations and became feral themselves, turning on their former friends as wild, uncontrollable beasts. Of the 23 adolescents taken into the Bloodground, only 7 survived. These 7 were deemed the most powerful, cunning, and worthy of their group, and became full members of The Lost Hunt. Odran joined the Hunting troupe of Tarlach, and took on the name as his own, as was tradition. Odran spent the next several decades advancing through the ranks of the Lost Hunt, proving himself to be a capable hunter and ferice warrior, known for using his cunning intelligence and tactical knowledge over raw speed and strength. Well respected by both his peers and rivals, it was only natural that Odran sought out a higher role in the hierarchy of the Lost Hunt. The mutations underwent by the Lost meant that they could live up to centuries at a time- though few lived past a century due to their lifestyle of constant conflict. As a result, every century, prospective members of the Lost Hunt would meet in their ancient gathering grounds to challenge one another for leadership of the Hunt. Challenges in the Bloodground varied in manner, and could be anything from tests of strength and speed, to plain single combat. The Prospects would often be leaders of respective hunting parties. Odran surprised many by taking to the Bloodgrounds alongside the leader of his hunting party at the fresh age of only 50, and surprised many more by emerging from the Bloodgrounds as the Lord of the Lost Hunt for the next Century, making him the youngest man to ever take on the mantle of Lord. Odran led the Lost Hunt for much of the next decade before word of Gargth and his deeds spread across the land, as well as how he single handedly slew almost fifty thousand of the world's strongest warriors. When the Moonsong Alliance called for another force to attack Gargth, Odran took with him a hundred of his most talented hunters to hunt down the ultimate prey- a God. [/hider] [hider=The Lost Hunt] [color=sienna][b]Regiment Name:[/b][/color] The Lost Hunt [color=sienna][b]Banner:[/b][/color] None [color=sienna][b]Nationality/Race:[/b][/color] The Lost [color=sienna][b]Racial Specifics:[/b][/color] "The Lost" is the colloquial term given to those who have undergone the mutations of the Bloodgrounds, and can be men and women of any race. Individuals that survive the mutations of the Bloodgrounds still maintain the majority of the features of their original race, but are much stronger, with keener senses, and longer lived than their former race. The Lost hold an aversion to blessed silver, which causes them physical discomfort as well as burns their skin on contact. Most notably, the Lost hold the ability to transform into their "True Form", also referred to as Wildshaping. Wildshape forms are often bestial in appearance and shares traits with many predators. [color=sienna][b]Size of Host:[/b][/color] 100 [color=sienna][b]Speciality:[/b][/color] Shapeshifters-Rangers [color=sienna][b]Typical Arms: [/b][/color] A collection of bows, crossbows, swords, spears, clubs, and axes. Weapons vary by the personal preference of the individual hunter. [color=sienna][b]Typical Armour:[/b][/color] Mostly leather and chainmail, with hides and furs also commonly incorporated. Armor vary by the personal preference of the individual hunter. [color=sienna][b]Magics Used:[/b][/color] Most of the Lost Hunt have at least some proficiency with shadow magic. Shadow magic doesn't interact with the Shadow Realm as it's name may imply, but rather deals with light and illusion. Used to obscure bodies, weapons, and traps, as well as committing mind-twisting illusionary strikes, it is as versatile as it is subtle. The 'fuel' used to energize the magic of the Lost Hunt is a type of mana, warped by the ritualistic mutations the Lost Hunt has gone through. Like many, mana is restored to the body through the passage of time, but unlike others, the mana of the Lost Hunt is restored through an invisible miasma borne from moonlight. During the night, they can use their magical abilities with near impunity, however during the day, their stores of mana rapidly depletes. [color=sienna][b]History:[/b][/color] It is often said that children who are lost or abandoned in the forests and wilderness are doomed to be gone forever. It is said that the forgotten orphans are taken by the Lost Hunt and brought into their ranks. An Organization made up of orphans and abandoned children, the numbers of the Lost Hunt are always in flux, some years, more abandoned children than normal will be found, other years more hunters will die than children found, occasionally, entire batches of youths will die in the Bloodgrounds from their mutations. The life of the Lost Hunt, is harsh, unforgiving, and often times deadly. The Lost Hunt lack any rigid hierarchy like contemporary military groups, but is instead made up of several large hunting parties, each with their own traditions and ways of doing things. While differing in their traditions, different hunting parties, even rival ones, generally share the same moral convictions and beliefs, and will always obey the rule of the Hunt's Lord. The Lord of the Lost Hunt is chosen once every century, during this time potential candidates from each Hunting party enters the Bloodgrounds. Some centuries, only one person leaves the Bloodgrounds, other centuries the Lord is chosen in other ways. No matter what, once the Lord is chosen, the others will submit to his authority for the next century, unless he proves himself utterly unworthy of leading the Hunt, in which case, he will be torn limb from limb and a temporary leader will be chosen until the next century. The Lost Hunt is mere myth to some, a bad omen to others, and make themselves known by hunting some of the world's fiercest beasts. While some wonder who the true beasts are, they have nevertheless proven themselves to be an asset to the Moonsong alliance. [/hider] Reposting here for GM approval before I move it over to the Character tabs