[@NekoMizu] Hmm, I see. It does sound like something that would work as a game. I actually have had multiple game versions of my project as possible ideas, such as an RPG version and also a fighting game version, but none of them are official like the actual proper novel series. I actually have a sort of RPG system that's possible to use for my setting's characters in a role-playing situation, which I guess would be considered sort of like a Tabletop RP of sorts, but me and my main group generally prefer a more freestyle system and think it suits the capabilities of my story more effectively. I had a feeling it might not make too much sense, since I'm not giving a large amount of information and to be perfectly honest a lot of people have a difficult time understanding it even if they have all of the information. I'll see what I can do to elaborate more, but until I'm more comfortable about revealing certain things on the forum I probably will keep it to PM instead.