[hider=Delta 556 'Mach'] [b]Name[/b]: Mach(?) [b]Callsign/Nickname[/b]: Delta 556 [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Occupation/Rank[/b]: Pilot [b]Affiliation[/b]: UEGNC, 41st Special Combat Unit [b]Appearance[/b]: [center][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/be7c/f/2011/338/9/c/mecha_pilot_by_meganerid-d4i5iqz.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Personality[/b]: Kind, friendly, but so damn impulsive, Mach is basically a what a pilot is. Being a pilot of a [url=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-qGNUn3Dn87Q/Vb2zgvcjHtI/AAAAAAAAACg/f0C0g2TxFxs/w1800-h1193/Sci%2BFi%2BRP%2BDropship.jpg]DTT-143 Vulture dropship[/url], he is the one who ferries around troops around the battlefield, and will provide close air support should the need arise. He is pretty talkative, even when spraying a steady stream of metal at hostiles and annihilating them with missiles. [b]History[/b]: Mach first started flying model aircraft around the hills of his home planet Avalon when he was a toddler, a planet famed for its natural beauty, and being the birthplace of one of the most well-known aviation companies in the Colonies, Avalon Aerodynamics. The brains behind the legendary [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/astroempires/images/5/5c/Fighter_perspective.png/revision/latest?cb=20101206025640]AF-23 Warhawk[/url], it's no wonder it has managed to survive more than three centuries, and still be thriving. Then, when he was just a teen, he flew for the first time in his father's old [url=http://webzoom.freewebs.com/sci-fi-museum-pierre-drolet-com/Phoenix_AF_Beauty_01.jpg]A9 Skyrider[/url], a civilian variant of the military AV9 Skyraider. And so began the first steps into Mach's aviation career. He enrolled into the prestigious Avalon Academy of Spaceflight and Aviation. Here, he leaned everything about flight, from easy straight journeys to complex manoeuvres. He graduated after mastering the art of flight. Following this, he worked for Black Horse Postal Service, a delivery service on Avalon that did everything from flying people around to delivering packages. However, he was bored with this, feeling that it wasn't fast enough. As such, he joined the Aerospace Force in hopes that he would become a fighter pilot. In short, he didn't, but he still managed to become a dropship pilot. There, he was attached to the 41st Special Combat Unit, and was sent to support the troops in the Colonial Uprising. He did a mighty fine job at that, quickly flying troops in and out of direct combat, and laying down fire from his craft's many weapons. Once the UEGNC reclaimed Reunion, he thought he was up for more combat on another world. However, he and his unit were given encrypted orders to head to the planet Panorama. He wasn't expecting much from this, just maybe testing out some new equipment, but he never knew he would one of the few to enter into an alternate dimension. [b]Weapons and Equipment[/b]: [list] [*] [b][url=http://orig12.deviantart.net/937d/f/2013/138/3/2/concept_smg_by_imbrokeru-d65rml9.jpg]TMP 81[/url][/b]: Submachine gun issued to pilots as a form of self-defence if they were ever shot down in enemy territory. Fires 4.7x21mm rounds. [*] [url=http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/615022620957360042/58FF1E689C144D9E4DE8C0A4F5CCCE9BD205C5B1/][b]12-inch Durasteel Combat Knife[/b][/url]: A combat knife sharp enough to pierce through thinner layers of underarmour bodysuit. [*] [b]Pilot Jumpsuit/Survival Vest[/b]: Non-powered armour. Pilots wear it to protect themselves from intense g-forces, and provides enough protection to deflect smaller-caliber rounds. [*] [b]Emergency Beacon[/b]: A device that broadcasts his location if he crashes. [/list] [b]Skills and Abilities[/b]: [list] [*] [b]Ace Pilot[/b]: Mach is an experienced pilot with years of aviation under his belt. [*] [b]Air Support[/b]: DTT-143 Vultures are equipped with a large number of deadly weapons like a 35mm chin-mounted gun and [url=http://www.halopedia.org/images/thumb/e/ee/MITV_pod.png/1600px-MITV_pod.png]Sub-munition Warhead Automatic Recursive Missile (SWARM)[/url], pods that break open to reveal more individually-launched smaller missiles. [*] [b]Hand-to-hand Combat[/b]: As someone who is well-versed in the art of hand-to-hand combat, Mach is someone who can be just as deadly on the ground as he is in the air. [*] [b]Survival Skills[/b]: Being a pilot, Mach has survival training in case he is ever shot down over a terrestrial planet. [/list] [b]Quotes[/b]: "The sky's the limit, but space's limitless!" "Do a barrel roll!" "I am a leaf on the wind... Watch how I soar..." [b]Theme[/b]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m147OQm47t4 [/hider]