[@Shoryu Magami][@ArenaSnow] I feel you two so much. ^.^ I'm also something of a writer, but I tend to like writing with other people better, and rp seems to be the format that tends to end up in. [@Goldeagle1221] Oh gosh. I've finished a few rps -- mostly ones that spanned a couple years of multiple sessions a week (this group played in realtime, using a script style to allow swift responses). Mostly we wrapped up things because we ran out of plot ideas and possibilities for character development. We wanted something fresh. But in those campaigns, there were dozens and dozens of different plots that we finished. I'm always a little reluctant to call an rp "done" because I get very attached to chars and settings, and I don't want to leave them, but then again there's something to be said for starting fresh, too. Actually that group is looking at another fresh campaign in a couple months. We're almsot done with the vague overarching trouble that's followed the group throughout the rp, so that should be a good place to end. ^.^