More commotion, more loud noises. He had enough. He just couldn’t see how this group could possibly work together effectively. He took comfort in his hope that a serious problem at the laboratory was unlikely. Because if there was a problem that required them to work together, they were beyond fraked. It reminded him of a documentary about the behavior of individuals in confined spaces, such as submarines. The poultry they tested it on got aggressive toward each other in mere days. Daniel got up and approached the group around the pilots. “Oi, could you please tone it down a notch or two? You’re making my teeth hurt.” he said, “Especially you.” he added, pointing at Marie as she was leaving. “Private Igneal, as for your comments. I might be wrong, but I’m afraid these two individuals, no matter what we think about them, are our superiors and we should treat them that way. Unless we are told otherwise by the good Sergeant over there. Let us hope that will be the case, as it seems like every minute we spend in one room together is destabilising the universe.” He paused for a while. “And did she really say she talks to her toys? Am I the only one who finds that just a little bit disturbing?”