[i]"Be wary! A demon of similar power killed Tirion Fordring!"[/i] Eantu narrowed his eyes and let a growl escape his throat as the Fel-guard's weapon that had been thrown at the demon was sent flying away by the shock-wave. So, this was a demon that was close in power to the one that had killed Fordring? He might not be able to kill the same one that had taken the life of Tirion, but he figured the death of the doom guard would balance out the universe a little bit, if not the battlefield they fought on now. Still, one less demon was always a good thing in his eyes. [i]"I'm out of explosive arrows, someone take the tower down by any means nessescary!"[/i] Eantu smiled a grim smile as he continued to channel the power of the light through his own cracked sword. The sword was glowing brightly now as Eantu took careful aim at the tower with the brightly glowing sword. "Ready when you are." He called to Nesalla.