[quote=@Vinsanity] [@Dinh AaronMk] Yeah you are right, reduce the weight to 300lbs - 350lbs, would this work? These big lizards are not thriving, they are trophies to the Osai. Defeating one holds bragging rights, and taming one transcends an Osai and how they are perceived by other Osai. On the other hand, I am not set on having them if you are against them even existing. And... The stories and fear, are you talking about humans running from the mountains because the Naga preyed on their fears? [/quote] The weight isn't what the problem is, it's that they're lizards. Did you not see the northern latitudes I included? This is not a warm climate. This isn't the sort of place for large reptilian mega-fauna. [quote=@Dannyrulx] Mages and armour removed. The armor is now essentially wrought iron, which is very similar to steel although not as tough, and with no extra magic. The pegasi are basically a near-extinct species that very few people have access to; the Winged Hussars are literally the cream of the cream of the crop. Plus, because of all the amour they wear it severely limits their flying range. Also removed all references to magic/alchemy of all kinds. I assume the crossbows and standing armies are OK? [/quote] Whether or not they're nearly extinct doesn't help. I was already concerned earlier in the previous app-trying-for-fleight that I do not want the added dimension of anything being airborne. I know I said we can have magical races but we have to be fair here: no flying. As well, I don't know if you read the bit about it being the early medieval age/iron-age. Plate armor shouldn't be in vogue. As well, I don't think anything in part themed after the Romans (since this implies Roman-level organization) fits in a world based off of pre-Christian Northern Europe, the English isles, and Russia. [@Kassarock][@DeadBeatWalking] Yer good. I just need a location, DeadBeat.